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I lay on the comforts of my bed deep in thought. I couldn't comprehend what was happening. It was all a big mess. Curling up in a ball I clutch my throbbing head trying to figure out what was going on. What Hange told me earlier today was the most shocking world man will never believe,I can't even believe.

Earlier than Morning.

I couldn't put my finger on it. For a few weeks now I've became ill out of the blue. Every morning some times in the evenings the contents in my stomach would release itself out my mouth. Be it doing training out just at meal time,especially at meals. One whiff of a certain type of food and out the room I go.

Mikasa suggested I go to a doctor to make sure I wasn't in any danger. But due to us being so far away from the nearest town I was in no condition to travel.

That's were Hange comes in. Turns out she's a doctor of some sort. So I let her examine me and man I wish I had a disease instead.

"You're pregnant. "

I had to dig into my ears just in case it was filled with ear wax.

"Come again?" I asked.

"Eren,you're pregnant!" She says with a wide but creepy smile.

Each and every word replayed in,my head.


How the hell is that even possible? Evolution? No,defiantly not. Because of my shifting ability? Maybe.

Seeing the scared look on my face,Hange gave me a calm and gentle smile. Her eyes soften, all excitement disappeared to a serious one.

"You have two choices. One; have an abortion,or, two;you can keep it. Choice wisely. I'll leave you to your thoughts." She pats me on the shoulder before leaving me be.


Now here I am thinking about the hardest decision I'll have to make. Getting rid of it would solve my problems but...


We've been in a relationship for a while and now that I think about it. I can't. I won't. It's not just his child that he planted in me but a living being that will poddibly make a difference in this world. Slowly I lift my tunic, a free hand softly glides across my flare abdomen. There's a living being in there,it's heart is beating,its forming into what will look human.It's Levi's and mine.


The door to my cell opens. Hange waits for my answer.

"I'm keeping it." I said a firm and calm voice.

She smiles brightly and nods. Just as she was about to leave she says "you'll have to tell him."

Scratch that,telling Levi will be th he the hardest thing to do.

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