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Serena pov.

I don't know if I was dreaming or not. The last thing I remember is two large men carrying me out my room, me grabbing on to anything yelling for my dad to help me. But he just stood there beer in one hand and mouth... 'You look just like your mother' I knew it. He hated me. He blamed me for her death he wouldn't even look at me after she passed, he didn't even care he just sat in the living room, watch tv and got drunk every night.

I shiver at the cold floor. I hear moans and not the good kind like someone was hurting. I blink my eyes repeatedly hoping I would be back at my house. I tried moving my hands but they were tied up, I tried moving my legs but so were they. I started to panic I was undressed in the bark chained up for god knows what?!

"It's okay just breath" I snapped my head towards the direction the voice came.

"W-who are you?"

"I'm Chloe"

"How d-did I get here I need to get out?!"

"Shh calm down before-"

A door opens from across the room, light filling in spaces. There was girls everywhere neaked just like me. Some were silently crying, praying, looking at the door with fear. I turn my head towards the door, a man came down the stairs and headed what looks like to me. He grabbed my ponytail and yanked me up.

"I'm s-sorry" he had a good grip of my hair I thought he was about to rip it out.

"Hey be careful!" A woman came in with a black dress that showed all her curves.

"This one?" he said it like I was some discussing creature.

"When was she brought in?" I looked around everyone was looking at me.

"Yesterday" it been a whole day?! What the fuck is happening.

"Yep, bring her in my room" she left and the man who still had my ponytail unchained me and pushed me to walk.

"Don't fucking touch me" I mumble. He yanked my ponytail making me fall backwards.

"I don't give one fuck about you I could kill you right now and no one would care, so shut the fuck up" tears formed in my eyes he pulled he back up and started dragging me up the stair. I couldn't scream or fight back it would be useless he was much much strong than me. I saw Chloe eyes before I left.
I didn't tell her my name.


I was in a room sitting on a chair, there was a mirror in front of me. Damn I looked horrible. Me Thinking about how can I at least try to escape...

"I wouldn't, yall die before you even see the sun"

"W-what are you h-how could you?-"

"I'm a vampire sweetie, my name is Amanda I will be appearing you" she had long hair, was short, had curves, brown eyes, and pale skin, she was very pretty.

"Preparing me for what?" I felt comfortable around her she was wasn't mean like the others.

She took a breath in. "You were sold to be a slave to a vampire"

"My dad would never!-"

"Your mom died and he blamed it on you, he's struggling with bills because he spins his money on alcohol. He did and I'm sorry" he said with a blank face. She couldn't even show emotion what so ever.

"I wanna leave now!"

"No can do, you have 10 mines to get ready, there's a bathroom right there I'll have your clothes ready" she gave a smile.

Well what choice do I have. I walk in the bathroom, turnt on the shower and got in. I scrubbed dirt off my body and washed my hair which had so many nots. I got out and dried off. I sat there for a moment.

This is it. I couldn't say goodbye to my friends. I was going to be a slave and probably do horrible stuff. This is what my life will be like. Don't cry stay strong...for mom. She watching over you. She wouldn't let anything harm you.

I put on the clothes Amanda picked out. She did my makeup which wasn't much, just lip gloss, mascara, and eye shadow.

"You look beautiful" she said rubbing my shoulder. I was about to cry again. I didn't ask for any of this.

"Don't cry, you'll mess up the make up" I wiped them away before they fell down my face.

"Good! I'll be right back you need some blush" she spun around scrambling trying to find it.

This could be my chance, I bashed her head into the mirror, got her keys and left the room I was in. I was running not even 16 steps there was that same man again looking down at me. He took his hand over my throat blocking me from breathing I hit his arm and he chuckled.

"Gotta try harder than that" he smirked. The next thing he was on the floor. I kicked him in his 'man hood'. Still running I was pushed to the wall.

"Really com'on" Amanda said and I was knocked out.


"Wakey wakey"

I groan.


I shot up real fast there he was again standing above me.

"Since you wanna waste time playing your stupid games your being sold right now" he once again took my arm and pushed me onto a stage.

"18 female, virgin, brunette hair, caucasian, blue eyes, no tattoos, weigh 120 pounds, height 5'4, blood type O, her special talent is playing the violin. Do we hear 20 Thousand?" A woman hand went up from center of the room.

I look around watching people biding me off. I sat the shock, I didn't know what to do.

"50 Thousand.."

"Your sick, all of you SICK TWISTED" I shouted.

"One million...200 million..."

"500  million" a dark cold bitter voice said.

Hell no I can't go with him..

"550 million" a girl said. By this time they where competing against each other. And guess who won...


"Going Once, twice, sold to Mr. Salvatore with 600 million"

⚠️update will be after Christmas. Please share and favorite⚠️

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