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Stephen pov

She was dressed in a red dress. She was beautiful in it to, it didn't show much but at the same time it showed enough. Every 'man' in there had there eyes on her I was going to tear everyone apart.

I was giving her a death stare while she was flirting with some waiter. Normally I would walk over there and rip him into peaces right I front of her not giving a fuck. She notice my stare, she walked over sat down where she was meant to be.

"Don't disobey me and why are you talking to other men" I wasn't jealous... She just doesn't listen.

"You said speak when spoken to...I was spoke to" she gave me a smirk I signed. She has know idea what she's doing, she's trying to get an innocent man killed.

"Stephen" another man called my name.

"How have you been?"

"It's been good, how about you" I replied. I already have enough on my plate. Yes I fucked his 'soon to be wife a couple' months ago but what can I say.

"Never better well after I broke the engagement with lacy after I caught her in my bed with you...I was almost, almost disappointed" now everyone was looking at me for my reply especially Serena.

"Not now" I simply said.

"Not much to say huh? Had a lot to say couple months ago" he chuckled and he excused himself from the table. Everyone went back to chatting when the food was brought to the table. Waiters laid the plate down. It was bourbon chicken soaked in blood. I glance at Serena before digging in.

"Waiter" a young boy who came over, which so happen to be the one Serena was flirting with.

"Can you get her a steak"

"How would you like it and what for the sides"

"Well done and just a salad" he left to go get the order. What did she see in him?

"I could of order for myself" she pouted.

"How come you didn't he was right here" she rolled her eyes.

I put my hand on her thigh which made her jump a little and I could feel her tense up.

"Don't roll your eyes at me" I looked into her blue eyes. She crossed her legs tighter and removed my hands.

"God gave me eyes for a reason" she stated.

"God gave you up from a reason?" I shouldn't have said that. She looked me dead in my eye, I was almost afraid of her.

"Don't say shit you can't fucking understand you have no clue at all. Dick." I was surprised.

Before I can say anything her food came and it was placed in front of her. She roughly grabbed the knife and cut into it. Took her fork and she let out a small moan as she ate a peace, and that moan was the sexiest things I ever heard.

Damn this is heaven

I read her mind.

"Good to see you like it" I smirked.

"Stop talking to me I'm not speaking to you" what was I supposed to do beg her to forgive me.

"Well handle this later" and with that I bit into my food.

Damn she is so frustrating.

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