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I couldn't stop thinking about what just happen. What did she mean by 'they always fine you' why was she scared Lucas was coming? Why could I see and hear her?! She's a ghost. I didn't believe in ghosts at first but now I do. Why why why. I had a bad feeling in my stomach.


"Yes!, I'm sorry I was daydreaming"

"Stephen would like to see you" I was guessing he was in his chambers most likely. I stopped at the door to knock but before my knuckle touch the door it open and my fist hit something...someone.

"I'm so sorr- no I'm not what do you want" I crossed my hands over my chess. He was holding his nose for a moment before I heard a pop sound.

"Did you just?!" I guess I broke his nose.

"Yep this isn't the first" he wipes his nose with a towel after I followed him to his bathroom and lend on the frame.

"Did you tell your friends?"

"My friends what?" He gave me a look and I had remember what we talked about.

"No I haven't..."

"Well I hope you do it soon"


"We're leaving"

"What why? Where?!" I asked.

"To an private island"

"Wait what?!"

"Shut up and hurry up and pack"


"now" he ordered.

I ran to my room but some maids were already getting my things together. I walked in the long halls and called Syrian. The phone started to ring but it went to her voice mail, I'm glad she didn't pick up or it would of been hard for me to hear her voice.

'Hey this is Syrian sorry I didn't pick up but leave me a voice message and I'll get back later!'

I took a breath in....

'Hey this is Serena, I'm fine and I won't not be coming to school don't get ahold of my 'dad' either. Tell becca I said I'm sorry and I'll try to see her soon. I love you both bye.'

I hung up the phone and I realize I will never hear, see, or talk to them again. I always cry so I told myself I would but my stomach hurted so bad.

*i know it's not a word lol*

I ran to the bathroom and threw up...

'You have a gift you know' I hear a faint voice I turned around but I saw nothing.

"Go away" I threw up again.

'You have to learn before you go though your... Just like Victoria-"

"No! Leave" and I didn't hear her say a word but I heard footsteps Stephan barged in.

"Who are you yelling at?!"

"Leave" he look at me then the vomit in the toilet.

"Are you pregnant?" I saw madness in his eyes, once again felt so scared and small like in the beginning. I tried to say no but he didn't let me get a breath out.

"your pregnant with who baby?! In my house?! You whore how could you sleep with someone else how do you even have the time to do that when I have BLOODY FUCKING SECURITY?!-"

"IM NOT PREGNANT DUMMY!" His eyes were back to normal.


"Yeah oh stupid" I rolled my eyes.

"Are you okay" he comes to my level by the toilet and rubs my lower back.

"No"  I moved his hands and flushed the Toilet, I went to the sink and brushed my teeth.

"We'll go in a couple days you look sick" I put my toothbrush away and went to my bed and laid there staring at Stephan.

"Why are you mean?" I asked, he looked at me for a moment and sat next to me making me shift in the bed.

"There's people who take your niceness as a advantage, they think your weak, not powerful, useless. But when you show them your power and control... They will not stand above you." He rubbed my back this time I let him.

"Oh... Who's Victoria?" He looks at me big eyed with hatred in his eyes.

"Who told you that?" He stop rubbing my back.

"No one I-"

"Don't speak of her again, ever, do you understand"


"Stop. Your sick go to sleep" with a blink of an eye he was gone.

Throughout the night she couldn't get Victoria out her head. Who was she? A lover? Everything kept her up all night but she somehow went to sleep. She still wonder why he got so offensive when she said he name. But there was no time for think she just needed to rest.

Twinkle twinkle little star how I wonder what you are up above the world so high like good diamond in the sky....

Ring around the Rosie's pocket full of Posey's ashes ashes we all fall down...

(didn't check spelling or grammar and sorry if I got them song lyrics Wrong.
But a hint; Twinkle twinkle little star. Ashes ashes we all fall down. Remember that)

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