03 / settlements

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03 / settlements

❝I'm waking up, I feel it in my bones

enough to make my system blow

welcome to the new age ❞

~ Imagine Dragons - Radioactive

Nathan awoke from his slumber, accustomed to snapping his eyes so quickly that he was confused for a second as to why he was staring up at a grey concrete ceiling. It took a moment for him to register that he no longer was in the woods. No, he was in a secure place that was safe. He reminded himself that about two more times before he decided to flutter his eyes shut, trying to get the rest that he lagged on.

Sleep was never a thing Nathan took advantage of, he wasn't one that would sleep in during the apocalypse. Well, that was when he was out there in the open where at any time there could be a threat. He practically slept with one eye open.

But now he didn't mind the idea of getting more shut-eye than he usually did. Even if it was on a bunkbed of a jail cell. It didn't matter to him anyways.

The extra sleep was greatly needed, for Nathan felt too comfortable and at peace to even bother opening his eyes again. That was until he felt the disruption to his sleep with the call of his name.

"Nathan," he faintly heard a voice next to him say, along with soft pokes, as if they were hesitant. Nathan was in too much of a deep sleep to come to his senses and bother to open his eyes, which is what he didn't do - he kept them shut. "Nathan," the person repeated, this time shaking his shoulder.

That brought Nathan back, making him snap open his eyes and sitting up so quickly in a defensive mode, already reaching in his holster. He let out a breath when he saw that it was only Carl standing next to the bunk, being the one that interrupted his slumber.

"Shit," Nathan whispered under his breath, closing his eyes in annoyance for a moment. He opened them again, pointing an accusing finger at the boy in front of him. "Don't do that!"

"What, wake you up?" Carl asked, exasperated, drawing his eyebrows together in confusion.

"Like that," Nathan gestured between his roommate and his own bunk where he was just seconds ago, "I could've stabbed you!"

"Yeah, okay, remind me to just let you sleep," Carl mumbled under his breath sarcastically. He walked over to the doorway of the cell, pointing his thumb over his shoulder. "But, my dad asked me to wake you up, get some breakfast."

Nathan rubbed his eyes tiredly, swinging his legs over the side of the bunk and dropping down to the concrete floor of the cell. He ran his fingers through his light-brown hair, going over to where Carl leaned by the doorway. Nathan held his hand out in a gesturing way, telling the boy, "Lead the way."

Carl turned on his heel, making his way out of the cell block with Nathan following in after. They made their way to the courtyard of the prison, toward where the hut in the middle of the yard, where the breakfast was being served.

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