Gamer Girl

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Emma's P.O.V.

So now that me and Harry are mad at each other the fun can start. I know that I am just going to get passed on to the next family. There is no point in denying it, but might as well have fun while I'm here. I'm in Britain for god sake! I walked down the stairs and opened the refrigerator door and was looking for something to eat. I grabbed a slice of pizza and turned around and found Louis standing right behind me. I think I jumped five feet into the air and grabbed my chest. "Don't worry Love, I won't steal your heart. Niall already has dibs on it." Louis said with a silly frown. "What do you want?" I asked not hiding my annoyance. "Well me and the guys were going to the break room and were going to play some video games and wanted to know if you would like to join us." Louis said, but I had a feeling he wanted something else. "Oh, and why are you in foster care?" Louis asked putting his hands together as if begging. "I told you, it's non of your business and you don't need to know." I said turning around. "But I do, I do need to know" Louis said grabbing my shirt. "I'll see you in the break room?" I said shaking his hand off of me and walking away. I entered the break room and found Niall, Liam, Zayn and Harry. I sat far away from Harry and close to Niall. "So what game should we play first?" Niall asked holding up two games. "We have Black Ops 2, and then there is Karaoke Pop Edition. "Lets play Karaoke, maybe Emma can learn some of our songs, Emma?" Harry said gesturing to the karaoke game. "Sure, why not. But I don't sing." I told them. "You have to sing," Harry said. "No I don't, I can watch you guys sing." I said. "Stop, why don't we play Black Ops? Can everyone agree to that?" Liam asked. We all said yes and Liam put the game in. It only let four people play at once, so Zayn, Liam, Harry and I played. I grabbed the controller and was looking at what the buttons did and suddenly my screen went black and it showed me getting shot. The words "First Kill" appeared on Harry's screen. I glared at him, and figured out how to shoot and stab. I walked up behind someone and stabbed them. "What?! Who killed me?" Zayn asked. "I did, sorry I thought you were Harry's character." I said looking at the screen avoiding the looks I was getting. I looked at the building in the game and saw a ladder and climbed it to the top. I looked around and saw two people, I shot one of them and Liam's character died. I shot the other person and Zayn died again. Where is Harry? I jumped down and looked at my map, there was only one still little red dot. I looked and he was hiding in a little building. I walked up to him and killed him, I looked over to see Harry not even touching his controller. "Not fair, you let me kill you." I said setting the controller on the table. "Um, yeah Ima guy. I'm supposed to let you win. You're a girl." Harry said in a "No, duh" tone. "Because I'm a girl?" I said in a "you better choose your next words carefully" kind of tone. "Okay, I think that's enough of this game. Niall what other games did you get?" Liam said ending our little moment. "I got Fast and the Furious 2 and Dance Dance Revolution. "Lets play Fast and the Furious, I don't like dancing" Zayn said with a pout. "Well then you don't have to play, but Emma can't play Fast and the Furious because it's a guys game." Harry said, and before he could move I jumped at him but was held back. "Let me go, I need to kill him." I shouted, I got even angrier when Harry got that stupid cheeky smirk on his face. Suddenly someones phone started to ring, and the boys all looked over at a small white phone on the charger. Suddenly all the guys jumped on the phone as if it were crack. Louis answered it, "Hello Uncle Simon... Yes, are you?.... But Why?... Just one, do you promise?... Alright see you in an hour." Louis said hanging the phone up. "Guys, Uncle Simon wants us to preform at the Saturday Sea Side Party." Louis said leaving with the rest of the guys. "Wait, what's going on?" I said running up to Liam. "You need to get ready, your coming with us." Liam said as he closed his room door in my face. I ran up to my room and opened my closet. I grabbed a pair of ripped shorts and a yellow tank top. I grabbed my nice bra that complimented my boobs, and then a pair of comfy underwear. I threw my clothes on and ran in to my own bathroom. Quickly shaved my arms and legs and my arm pits. Applied some deodorant. I brushed my hair and pulled it into a bun. Then brushed my teeth, and threw my comfy sandals on. I walked down stairs and found I was the only one ready. Someone rang the door bell and I went to answer it but I was trampled by five heavy teenage boys all running to the door. While they were all busy hugging who I assumed was Uncle Simon. I made my way out to the car. The driver opened the door for me, and I climbed in and quickly made sure I had my phone as everyone climbed in. Simon didn't notice me at first, but then realized because someone coughed. It was too dark to tell who it was, " Now who would this be?" Simon asked. " Name is Emma Cloud. Harry's parents foster child" I said holding my hand out for him to shake it. Which he did, " Have heard so much about you" Simon said. "Unfortunately, I wish I could say the same." I said ending the conversation until we got to the beach. Which was packed, we went around back and got our passes. Once we were behind stage Harry walked over to me. I turned away trying to ignore him. He put his hand on my shoulder and went around me so I was facing him. "Look Emma, I'm sorry about leaving you behind at the mall. Your right, I should have been watching more closely and have been walking with you. And I'm sorry about the whole, your a girl so your not good at video games." Harry said, and in his eyes I could tell he meant it. " And I shouldn't have played mannequin with Louis and ran when you saw me." Said hanging my head down. "Here is fifty dollars, go have fun at the party. Me and the guys go on in ten minuets." Harry said handing me the money, I gave him a quick peck on the cheek and ran off threw the back and around to the front and got in with my pass. I started to walk around. I can't believe I kissed Harry. It makes my skin crawl just thinking about it. He would make a really good... No Emma, stop it don't let those thoughts in your head. They will just cause you to get hurt.... again. 

I walked over to the food table and ordered a soda. I payed for my drink and walked over to the row of carnival games. It was like a small carnival more then a party. I skimmed the games and saw something I have always wanted. A goldfish, ever since I was a little girl all I wanted for a pet was a goldfish. Not a kitten, not a puppy but a goldfish. I walked over to the game and gave the guy a five dollar bill. "Okay, so all you need to do is get two of the three balls into the fish bowls. It doesn't have to be the same fish bowl." He said handing me the three ping pong balls. I aimed carefully and made it, then threw the second one and missed. I threw the third one and missed.  I handed him another five, and missed the first one but made the second and third. He handed me a little orange goldfish. I thanked the man and walked away heading towards the stage. The were going to start any second. All you could hear wear screaming girls, and it was starting to give me a head ache. I made it over to the crowd and started to make my way to the front gripping my new little friend. Wait I need to name him, but what? How about Goldy, no that's too obvious. Oh, I know your name is going to be Benjamin. Your such a cute fishy Benjamin, I said pointing at the fish in it's little bag. I finally made my way to the stage and I just noticed there was a line of guards blocking the actual stage. I waited and suddenly there was a bunch of screaming. I heard a voice and recognized it instantly. It was Niall, "Good evening Liverpool!!!" Liam said running out onto the stage with the rest of the guys. The crowd exploded, so for fun so did I. Harry was looking for me and I started jumping up and down and waving my hands probably giving Benjamin whiplash. He saw me and smiled, then they started to goof off on stage. "What song should we sing?" "That's What Makes You Beautiful" The crowd screamed, and then the music started to play. Liam started to sing, and he is really good. The rest of the guys eventually joined in and after the first verse I was singing along. They played five more songs and I could see them slowing down. Once the concert was over they went backstage and I showed my badged to the guards and they let me through. I went back and waited for them to get changed and cooled off. Surprisingly they all came out at once, well after all of their concerts they should have it down. I congratulated them and they all got a hug. "You guys are great singers." I said, "Thanks, so who is this?" Harry said pointing to my fish. "This is Benjamin" I said showing him to Harry. "Did you have fun?" Liam asked. "Yes, I had so much fun. Thank you guys for letting me come." I said making sure not to touch them so I don't get attached. "I'm hungry? Anyone else?" Niall asked. "All the boys shook their heads yes and I went out to dinner with the guys and Simon. I was crazy, first we couldn't decide a place to eat. Niall kept repeating the word Nandos. Then all decided to let me pick. "I don't have any idea what there is here." I said in complete confusion. "Please say Nandos" Niall begged me. "What do they serve at Nandos?" I asked. "We can't go to Nandos because the closest Nandos to us right now. We are banned from" Liam said. "Let's just get some burgers from Culvers drive through." Zayn said. "Sounds Perfect" Simon said pushing a button and saying "To Culvers." We got to Culvers and ordered our food and but It wasn't in silence. Simon kept looking at me as if to apologise for the way they are acting. I kept telling myself to not get attached, but the truth was I was... and I'm scared.


Hello, sorry for not posting in a while. I had a really bad case of writers block, but here it is so enjoy. And don't be a hater for all of my writing and spelling mistakes, Good night, good day? What ever time you read this.

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