Chapter 2 Trapped

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This is how my day has gone so far, I woke up thinking.

Another day of school, a place where I need to face the world while facing people. I look at the clock 8:45 am, wishing I could stay in bed I get up, knocking my head on on my bookshelf above my bed. A three books fall, of the three the Selection, the 100, and Binge by Tyler Oakley. Picking them up, I look out the rectangular window the only thing in my room not covered in posters to see snow.

Walking up to the window the view becomes more of a picture. The rocky mountains once gray yesterday are now covered with the white flakes drifting towards the ground and covering the dyeing olive coloured grass. I can't help but stop and stare at the beauty before me. Entranced by the details as I open the curtains, something I haven't done for a long time.

And for some reason seeing the light shining onto the whitely pink covers of my bed, shining onto the highest corner poster of Colton Dixon makes me think it's gonna be a good day as I pull on jeans, a t-shirt, and a sweater. I haven't had one of those in a long time. But today is gonna be one, with glee club after school and yet after that worship and miracles youth night.

"Nothing can bring me down" thinking off One Direction's top hit Drag Me Down.

The phone rings,

Well, maybe that could...

"Hello?" Why do I even say it with a hint of a question, it's the same person every morning.

"Hi Capris, it's mom. I'm calling to tell you we won't be home when you get back from school. There is left overs in..."

I don't even need to listen to the rest of what she's gonna say. It's the same every morning. They leave early for work, call me to say they won't be home till late and that there's leftovers in the fridge, and that they love me.

"Love you too mom" Hitting the off button I unplug the iphone, placing it my back pocket as I walk over to the fridge pulling open the door. I stare blankly inside, the cold air now making it's way to my toes reminding me of the cold that I'm gonna feel as I step outside into the white neighborhood of snow. Snapping out of my trance, I grab my lunch and an apple biting into it as I close the door.

This has been my morning routine for countless years, only this year I take the bus. Walking out the door I look over to see the Ezferns our new neighbours having trouble scraping their car.

"Morning Ms. Young" Mr. Ezfern waves. I wave back an acknowledging type wave ducking down and walking faster as I zip my jacket all the way up.

I've always been shy, never been one to stand above or fit in... So drifting to the bottom I found music, sketching, and God. That's been my output, my way of opening up, about everything. About my parents leaving me at home, about having no friends, about everything. It's been my way of showing my feelings, a way of gaining some control in my crazy messed up life.

Reaching the bus stop, I see the yellow of the school bus coming around the corner.




Snapping out of my morning re-cap, I focus back on my history teacher Mr. Stenly. Who's now standing over me. Looking around trying to catch a glimpse of what he was just talking about. Catching nothing, I turn desperately to my own desk searching down but only finding sketches and doodles.


What is your view on Martin Luther King...?" Mr. Stenly was finally starting to get the hint that I wasn't paying attention.

"My view?

You want my view?" The class starts to laugh now as I turn red.

"It is your turn for the class discussion unless you'd like to pass...

But then you pass your grade to a zero."

"Martin Luther King jr. was an activist on the rights for the African Americans. And he had a dream. A dream to for a world where everyone was considered equal. That kind of world still doesn't exist today, however he was a step in the right direction." I just started to intro, thank goodness I'd done my homework the night before.

"Excellent Capris

Jared you're next, unless you'd..."Mr. Stenly drowned as my thoughts came flooding back.

I was a background at school, really the only time I talked when I wasn't by myself was when a teacher calls on me. Most times it's just to see if I'm paying attention, which I am.

The bell goes interrupting Jared, my thoughts, and my drawing. Guess I'll have to finish drawing the Orlando's eye later in math where I again sit in the back. For now it's off to Mr. Dues drama.

There are many halls of Hillrant two majors one that reach from one side of the building to the other. I always thought they built them to small. Especially when a clutz like me...


Books everywhere.

"I'm so sorry..." I begin to explain but I'm shushed.

"No really it's my fault, I was face down in the map trying to find Mr. Rama's room."

A voice I've never met before panicked and apologized. Looking up I'd never seen him before. 

 It wasn't one of those moments in the romance novels and movies I watched and read, it was just a glance. From this small glance I could see his bright grey eyes, and tinted black mullet-ish hair.

Ok, maybe it was more of a study then a glance. But as the books were picked up I realized that maybe it was a stare. A stare that had given me away, and he just stared back, like he'd discovered something. That's when I realized I'd been found... 

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