chapter 1

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author's note#

-hey guys, this is my first ever book on wattpad, and i decided to upload just a snippit, to give you a taste of what's to come!

-if you like it, remember to please press vote, or fan or comment, thank you.

-notice demi lovato's skyscraper at the side, i think it fits well with this chapter--->

-hope you guys like it, so enjoy(:




The unshed tears threatened to spill down my sore, swollen cheeks.  I forcefully gritted my teeth, willing them back, praying that he couldn’t see my silent cries of pain. I winced, bracing myself for the impact which would soon strike my already bleeding face.

The force was overpowering, as my throbbing head collided with the stone floor. I wanted to scream, I needed to scream, but my whole body was just numb. Almost lifeless. I vaguely recalled hearing footsteps retreating, then the deafening sound of a metal door slamming. The strain of trying to stay conscious was too much for me to handle, so I let myself go, and allowed my mind to be engulfed in darkness.

My heavy eyelids slowly attempted to open, but the intense light which shafted in through the high window forced them to snap shut. Groaning, I waited for them to adjust, and when I finally had a clear view, I realised that I was still lying in the same position as before, on the freezing, hard ground.

The ache throughout my body suddenly became known to me, and the effort it took just to sit up was immense. Trying to stand up would just be pointless though, as pain was shooting through almost every bone in my body, and my hands and feet were bound together, meaning that I couldn’t walk anyway.

Tears suddenly welled up in my eyes, tugging at my heart, as I thought over just how much my life had changed within the past few months. I should be at home, with my family, having a normal teenage day, living a normal life. I couldn’t help but feel guilty, thinking about how I used to take my family and friends for granted. But that didn’t matter now, I was sure enough going to die here, concealed in this room, with no one to hear me scream, no one to save me.

Even though my abduction would be all over the news and in all the papers, I felt lost. Helpless. No one will find me here. That man has made sure of that. Ever since I woke up in here, I vowed to never give up, to stay optimistic that I will be rescued. But now... now I just feel trapped. Like a soul inside a corpse. With no way out.

I had already lost track of the days, and reality seemed so far away right now. I mean, I’d read about things like this, watched them on the news, but not for one second did I think it could ever happen to me, to my family. Everything just seemed surreal, like when you wake up from a dream and can’t quite remember what it was about. Except that this was a nightmare. My nightmare.

A sickening shiver crept down my spine, as I remembered the man that had kidnapped me. His large forehead was laced with thick beads of sweat, his crooked nose was protruding from his face at an odd angle, his skin was enveloped in deathly paleness and he had a prominent jaw, making his merciless eyes seem sunken into his skull.Greasy, straggled hair was scraped back into a ponytail at the base of his head, and the stench emenating from his body made it obvious he’d abandoned all form of hygiene.

What stood out however was the large, thick scar, which followed the line along his jaw, emphasizing the fierceness of his face. The image of his heartless smirk spread throughout my mind; his yellow teeth facing all different directions, his cracked lips which turned up cruelly at the corners, and the cold-hearted glimmer permanently fixated in his eye. It made me shudder.

The days seemed almost eternal, and with every minute that passed by, my body felt more and more dishevelled. He was starving me. Scraps of food and little water would be thrown in front of me, and I would be forced to eat off the floor. I felt so dirty. Treated like a dog. It disgusted me that he could make me feel this way.

 I lifted the bottom of my torn top slightly, this was the first time I’d dared to look at my malnourished body since I’d been here and the sight before me made my blood run cold. My ribs were abnormally defined, and each one boldly outlined. I had lost a lot of weight, and my waist was extremely gaunt.

Bruises of all different sizes were pasted across my stomach, as well as a few gashes and scars. Looking at it reminded me of the pain pouring through my body, and I involuntarily drew a sharp breath whilst trying to move into a more comfortable position.

Indistinct footsteps were gradually nearing the room, and I composed myself as much as I could, internally promising that I wouldn’t let him break me. My peripheral vision saw the door handle turn, and before I could even think, the door was slammed open against the bare wall, the large man standing before me, looking down at me in pure disgust. He was fuming, and that thought scared me to death..


author's note#

okay guys.. what do you think?

-vote, comment, fan if you want to(; <3

-land thank you so much,



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