P r o l o g u e

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The shrill sound of the fire alarm woke me with a start and I jumped up with a start. Nervous whispers buzzed around the room as the girls anxiously got out of bed.

"Jen!" I shouted to the only girl still in bed. (That girl could sleep through anything.) "Wake up, it's a fire alarm." I shook her softly and her eyes snapped open.

"What's going on, Ariella?" She asked in a frightened voice.

"Fire alarm," I repeated, "Quick! Get out of bed. Everyone's already left."
Jen jumped out of bed and we ran to the door. Just as we were opening it Chris ran in, breathless. "We have exactly ten minutes before they figure out that there's no fire." He paused. "Great you're both here! I thought I'd have to search the whole orphanage for you."

"You set off the fire alarm?!" I gaped.
"Yes! Now come on!" He yelled over the ringing. He grabbed my arm and Jens and yanked us behind him in the hallway pulling us towards the exits at the far end.

The constant ringing sounded through the building, echoing and bouncing from wall to wall. When it stopped so soon I knew, I knew that they'd found out it was a hoax and that there were the three kids missing. They'd be coming for us soon.

"Run!" Chris bellowed and we ran. Our footsteps pounded on the old wooden floor and we reached the door. There was no going back now.

"STOP!" Mrs Edmund screeched, pursuing us at top speed (which thankfully wasn't as fast as ours.)

My heart thumped rhythmically in my chest as Chris fiddled with the lock trying to break us out. Mrs Edmund steadily came closer and closer.

The door was jammed. It wouldn't budge. "Ariella, Jennifer, push!" Chris urged. We heaved against the door with all our might. It burst open. We were free!

The fresh night air hit us as we dashed to the wall. It was crawling with ivy. Chris jumped and clung onto a branch then swung his foot up to the next. Holding out one hand he grabbed onto my forearm and yanked me up so I gripped the ivy.

"Jen, hurry! Hold onto my arm!" Chris held his arm out further trying to reach Jen. She finally got it and just as she caught hold of the ivy everything seemed to slow down. Mrs Edmund had reached us.

Jen tried to get as high as possible and out of Mrs Edmund's reach but she slipped and her hazel eyes widened as she dropped, her arms flapping aimlessly, right into the waiting arms of Mrs Edmund.

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