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 ~ Alice~     

" Watch it nerd" I looked at Chloe and sighed, walked away. That was my life, the nerd. Well at least they thought, they didn't need to know my little secret right? I do racing, street racing. I lived on my own since my parents are always traveling. I owned my own garage full of cars, and my house was a mansion. Yes, I was rich. Tonight I was racing again, some guy challenged me, he just moved here I think. I walked in Math and saw that the teacher wasn't here yet. Looking on his desk there was no name plate, no nothing. I sat down and took out my notebook and sat there, like the perfectly good student I am, haha I crack myself up with my thoughts. The door opened and closed, footsteps approached the desk in front of me. The teacher was here. Before I even looked at the teacher I glanced around the room. Girls were pulling their shirts lower to show cleavage and skirts higher to show more leg. I stiffled a laugh at them. Oh sluts, how you amuse me. Looking back at the teacher he has moved from behind his wooden desk and was now standing in front of the class.

" Hi, I am Mr.Flynn and I am your new Math teacher. Let's play a game, ice-breaker, say your name, favorite hobby and something no one knows about you, I will go first, my name is Aiden Flynn, I fix cars as a hobby and something no one knows will be that I just moved here from NYC" Wait, he just moved here too, oh if only he was into racing...ha that'll be quite ironic. I was last to go obviously.

" My name is Alice Taylor, I read as a hobby and errr, I love cars" I sat down and hid my face, I lied, my name was Alice Taylor but my hobby is street racing and what no one knows is I was the champion, they called me Ace.     

" Very well then see you all tomorrow" I went home and fixed my appearance, I took off the glasses and let my hair go. I wore my usual racing things and headed out, I picked my Lamborghini Gallardo LP 570-4 Superleggara that I've modified cause you know, it's me, and drove to the tracks. I hopped out and greeted Adam and Blake. They were my best friends     

" Hey Ace ready for tonight?" Blake asked    

" As ready as ever, so who am I racing?"     

" A new guy from the east, from NYC his name is Aiden Flynn" I widened my eyes    

" What's wrong?" Adam asked    

 " He's my new Math teacher" They bursted out laughing    

 " So tonight you are going to beat your teacher's ass, nice!"  I shook my head and placed my helmet on    

 " Hey, Ace tonight you are racing for 15 million."     

 " And we're thinking could we get like 1/3?" I laughed    

 " Of course, dude we are a team" They smiled " So 5 mill each" They nodded     

 " Win for us" They said in unison. I got in my baby and looked at the car next to me. Mr.Flynn, you sir are going down.     

 He was driving a Lamborgini Gallardo 560-4. Customized a bit for his liking.     

 The gun sounded and we were off, he was pretty good. He was right on my tail until the last curve wear he drifted a bit off and almost crashed. I came out and sat on the roof of the car. Blake and Adam ran to me, they pulled me off the car and hugged me    

 " You were amazing Ace" I smiled, " So you wanna go talk to your teach? Or we ditch and head out now" I saw Mr.Flynn coming    

 " Let's go now, you got the payment?" Adam nodded " Meet me at the garage" I hopped in my car and drove home.    

 ~ Aiden ~    

 " Hey better luck next time, but don't worry you were the closest to beating Ace" The guy said    

 " Who are you? Not to be rude" He smirked    

 " I'm a close friend of Ace, Blake" He took out a hand    

 " Aiden" He chuckled as we shook hands    

 " Oh I know who you are"     

 " So is Ace his real name?" I asked    

 " First off, Ace is a girl and no her name is classified"     

 " Wow, I really want to know who this girl is" Blake smiled    

 " You already know her"    

 " What do you-"     

 " I got to go" He ran and hopped in a car and drove off. Weird, she already knew me and I knew her. But the only people I met since I moved here were at school.     

 ~ Alice ~   

 When we parked our cars in my garage Blake and Adam went to their house, they lived together as roommates across the road from me. I stripped down to my bra and panties and sat by the computer for awhile. I noticed a breeze from the window and decided since it was getting late I should go to sleep anyways and went to close the window only to come face to face with Mr.Flynn. He went eyes wide and I stood frozen. My heart stopped, and for a moment I felt like I couldn't move. However when his eyes roamed my body, like a switch went off in my mind I shut the curtains turned the lights off and cuddled into my blanket. When did they sell the neighbor's house? And to Mr.Flynn oh god, being Ace is going to be a whole lot harder.  

 People say senior year is a remarkable year and memorable, well this year will definately be memorable.   

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