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~ Alice ~

 Opening the locker at school and a letter dropped out. I read the chicken scratch that the no brains called handwriting.

 Hey Nerd, get a life and stop wasting space - Football Team

 Those fuckers think they could break me, well tough luck. I threw the paper in the garbage and walked to class. I saw Mr.Flynn staring at me and I got self-concious and thought back to last night. My face grew red and I thought to myself oh god....I'm blushing....

 " Class, today we will do a test to see your understanding of the subject" Everyone groaned I just sat there bored. He handed out the papers and we started, this is super easy. I finished it and stared out the window.

 " Pssst, Nerd" I looked over to Kyle the quarterback of the school football team. " Answer to # 4" I turned around and tuned him out

 " Is their a problem back there?" I looked at Mr.Flynn and stared at the ceiling some more. " Why aren't you doing your work Ms.Taylor?" 

 " Finished" My voice always came out quiet when talking to teachers,elders or strangers I didn't understand why, that is also another reason why people think of me so innocently. If only they knew the pawn of statn hidden inside this MUAHAHAA. Yeah I'm quite crazy as well... 

 " Bring it up" I stood up and gave him my paper. He kept glancing between the paper and I. I felt uncomfortable again, " You got it all correct" I nodded and stared out the window at MY tree, at the park across the road. I loved that tree, since I was a kid I would sit by there and do all sort of things, eat, sleep, write, read. That tree is like my only living family that I have left, well it's always been there for me haven't it? 

 The bell rung and I got up from the desk, my things were already packed. Ready to exit this hellhole and- 

 " Ms.Taylor please meet me for a minute" I looked at Mr.Flynn and walked up to the desk. 

 " Yes?" I said quietly, damn voice, I don't like you no more, wait I just said I don't like myself....I heard a throat cleared and I was shook out of my bickering....with myself...?

 " Ummm, about last night, errrrr-" 

 " That never happened, forget about it" As if right on cue my phone rang

 Cause I feel like a bad joke, walk the tight rope to hold on to you. Was it real or a love scene from a bad dream I don't think I can forget about it.

 Adam, he never called unless it's an emergency 

 " I really got to take this, hello?" 

 " Umm your mom and dad are home" He said using his -OH SHIT DON'T KILL ME- voice

 " WHAT?!" Mr.Flynn who was looking at some papers jumped a bit and stared at me as if asking WHAT THE HELL?!?! I smiled a bit

 " Yeah they said to come home now" 

 " But it's second period and I have a phone why didn't they call me or they could've just told me not to come to school?"

 " I don't know but I'm outside the building" I sighed 

 " Ok, I'll be out in a minute" I hung up and brought my left hand up to my head. I was wearing a short sleeved and Mr.Flynn was able to see my tattoo, shit. Hopefully, he didn't notice. But with that lingering gaze on my arm and looking back up at me told me he saw.

 " So yeah, umm we're neighbors" He awkwardly said

 " This is awkward for both of us, so forget about it and I gotta go Adam is waiting for me, my parents came home demanding for me" I sighed and walked to the door " By the way, welcome to the neighborhood" I walked out and spotted Adam's car. I went in and he looked at me and sighed 

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