Ch. 14

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"Explain something to me."

I turned and looked at Sam, who was leaning against the lift doors as we waited for it to arrive.

"What?" I asked.

"You seriously don't like Niall like that?" He raised one eyebrow at me while I rolled my eyes.

"Jesus Christ, no! Do I have to repeat it a gazillion times?" I snapped.

"Just until you stop lying and admit you do," Sam smugly said.

I scoffed and decided against barking at him. Sam chuckled but was cut off whenever the doors dinged open and he fell backwards into the lift.

"Oh my god!" I busted out laughing. I hunched over and grabbed my stomach as I did so. "That was fucking priceless!"

Sam groaned and stood back up, wiping his hands on his trousers. 

"Shut the hell up."

"But it was priceless! Oh god I wonder if I could get the security tapes and see it again!"

"Jess, come on!" Sam growled at me.

I chuckled and stepped into the lift just as the doors shut behind me.

Sadly, I was on my way to another mind stabbing, eye twitching, vomit inducing session with Sage. Though Sam taking a wonderful fall made my morning a bit better.

Sam now leaned himself against the mirror wall and starred at the numbers as they descended.

"Hey I have a question now that I think of it," I chuckled.

Sam sighed and frowned at me. 

"What? If I had a nice fall?"

I chuckled some more, "Oh, I know you did but no. You keep pestering me about Niall... But what about you? Who do you like? Are you even single?"

Sam tensed and opened his mouth but again was cut off by the lift. The doors dinged open and revealed the dreaded floor.

I groaned and stepped out into the hallway. I spun around on my heel and pointed at Sam.

"You'll be answering me whenever I'm done."

He nodded and allowed me to walk off. Slowly, because who would ever walk quickly to hell, I walked towards Sage's office. I pushed open the door and let it slam behind me.

Without a word, Sage sighed.

I too said nothing as I slowly made my way across the room and onto the ugly green sofa.

"Well then."

I looked over at Sage and her blonde curls.


"I don't know why I expected today to be different," she told me.

I shrugged as a response.

"I guess I had too much hope."

I snorted and shook my head.

"I do have something for you though," Sage told me.

"If it's another French book, I don't want it," I half way lied.

I don't exactly want the French book but it could be useful for when Niall comes. If he does...

"No... It's your hair dye. You still so want that as your privilege don't you?"

I sat up and looked past her and at the mirror she hung on the wall. I looked at my reflection as saw my poor baby pink hair faded and roots showing to much for my liking.

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