prologue cont.....

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Before the Rainbow Christmas Kiss...

The Court Jester came to inspect the Rainbow surroundings and heard the towns people coming back from miles down the gravel road. Not to be out done again, but Dancing Dust would be out numbered. He quickly came to notice Pia and Maverick in what seem to be enchantment? He looked around and up at the Normal Valley Castle. It could not be. Its colors were like exquisite. What and Who had invaded their traditional livelihood. He knew the secret vault carrying the 'Hope Ring' had to be protected. With Pia and Maverick and Dancing Dust and Rainbow Fairy all engulfed in silent night, he had to take over. Second in command. He nudged Pia and Maverick to no avail. They were Some Place Else. The Somewhere Place Castle can not be exposed to the towns people steadily approaching. While successfully getting Pia and Maverick back into the used to be Normal Valley Castle and while witnessing Dancing Dust still caught up in a tangible spelled cast only by the Rainbow Fairy, he trust they swiftly get Dancing Dust to safety. For he is not himself. He has not turned back into Moon Rock Head or Skinny Boney Slider. What has happened this night before Christmas and all through The Castle.

The Court Jester quickly leaves the huge Castle doors open to The Blue Ball Room. He had to let her other Rainbow Rider Angels do what they do best. Look to the Rainbow that they see twenty-five hours a day eight days a week. They took with them their very own Rainbow Castle and The Court Jester watched it be taking up. With all four inside? What to do next?

That empty space once belonging to The Normal Valley Castle and his Zombies Miraculous had to be replaced by...

The towns people scurrying with their torch lanterns to run Dancing Dust out of town. Too late for his Rainbow Rider Angels command by Rainbow Fairy he was to delight in what all this time of year delighted in. His Holy Name. None other. None other would be subjected to the witch hunt they go on to trash talk and become the ghost of jealousy. Not now Not this time of year. Hear what the little drummer boy hears and then ask themselves. Who that reads the good book knows the first shall be last and the last shall be first. 

The Court Jester had to think of something fast. That someone shall stumbled across such a treasure in due time. They shall are marvel at what others can accomplished with or without grave detail. That A King was born and a King shall return. They all will bow down. With their unbelieving  beliefs. They were not  worthy to be his sacrifices but it was one that was ever be

The towns people are close and The Court Jester knows he was the only one left outside and so he too has this Christmas Aurora amongst him. Left by The Rainbow Rider Angels. He looks down at his newly attire? What The Flying Fudge did they do that for? For he has threads on that makes him fit in with the towns people coming to embarked on what?

The newly  Palatial Castle loan to The Court Jester to have a place to lay his head well after the new year steadily approaching. It was huge and adorned in lights from The Heavens. Not a fairyland or fairy -tale. Court Jester saw nothing funny leaving him behind without his dirt and pranks and his damp dungeons and mystical time watching throw ball with his King. Who shall win the Miami Beach Bowl vs. The Music City Bowl. He wants his King back for that only. Don't judge...

As the towns people approached and was now  mixing in with the Court Jester and his presence not  revealed. He too stood in wonderment of such glistering and shimmering sight of a huge Palatial Castle. Dropped from whence a King stood known as Dancing Dust. There were the towns people ready to with tongues like swords to cut like hurtful pale faces starring. The never intended such transparency. Never ever will The Great I Am allow it...

*prologue has ended but the epilogue will continue for the middle? Watch the short film which is 40 minutes long. There are the gifted clues left by one known as ...Dancing Dust *       

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