Let Us Live (Peter Pan) - Part 2

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When the boys saw you coming back, they gathered around you and Peter, asking lots of questions after your almost one week disappearance. For the first time in days, the camp seemed alive again, and the Lost Boys, especially the young ones, cheered and laughed at the sight of you two walking among them, apparently safe and sound. You were starving but the hunger didn't even amount to how tired you felt after a week of barely napping one or two hours a days.

"Off you go!" Peter barked at them, making the boys frown but step out of the way anyway. "We need to rest, enough with all the questions." His tone was stark and his word final.

He dragged you by the arm to the wooden shack. You were about to snap at him for being so grumpy since you left the bunch of heroes in the middle of the jungle.

"What is your damn problem, Peter?" You shouted when he pushed you inside. After over five hundred years of couple life with him, you'd think he knew better than to mishandle you. "When have you become so hysteric when I'm not around to hold your leash?" You knew you crossed the line by saying that but after a week of being sleep deprived and surrounded by well-intentioned idiots, you were fed up.

The boy turned around to face you, lightnings flashing out of his eyes and his lips brought together in a thin line. From the way he balled up his fists and the way his veins thickened you understood that he was more furious than you had seen him in a while.

"Don't push your luck, (Y/N)," he warned you, ready to storm off.

"Don't even think about walking out of here, we're not done! This is no way of handling things Peter, why did you come? I was fine!"

"Well, I guess I made a mistake then," he deadpanned, infuriating you furthermore. "It's not like I had any idea of how you were doing since you didn't show any sign of being alive during the five last days!"

"I couldn't do anything, they were watching me around the clock! And maybe I could explain you what happened if you calm down!" You stepped in front of Peter, both of you breathing unevenly and loudly, challenging each other with their stare. You were one foot shorter than him but you were no less fierce and he knew better than to get one your bad side.

After two minutes of fuming inwardly, Peter scoffed and looked away, breaking eye contact with you. You crossed your arms over your chest and turned around, unable to look at him any longer. You never liked fighting with Peter, it was an old thing to you, you had had the time to go over every possible subject of argument in your life and it always ended up in one of you two throwing a tantrum and then apologizing.

"I'm sorry," you sighed, running a hand in your hair. "I'm not in the mood to fight. I don't like being away from you either, I missed you."

There was a second of silence between you two, and suddenly, you felt his chest pressing against your back and his arms looping around your stomach. He pressed a kiss on the back of your head and you closed your eyes, content with the feeling. He withdrew his hands from your waist and moved them to your back to start unlacing your under bust corset. Peter always teased you about your pirate-like clothes, because you always wore thigh high leather boots, a white blouse flowing sleeves and a corset. Funnily enough, it was thanks to those clothes that you met Peter, after sneaking on a ship traveling to Neverland.

When the corset dropped on the floor, you turned around in Peter's arms. His hands brushed over your naked shoulders, pushing aside your long (H/C) locks.

"What happened (Y/N)?" He asked in a soft voice, making you shiver slightly.

"I was trying to buy some time, they were pretty secretive. When I found them, I told them I was here against my will and I wanted them to help me escape. In exchange I offered to be their guide through the jungle because I knew the island. They were reluctant but also desperate so they agreed, and I joined their quest to save Henry. I led them astray and made them go round and round for three days, and I still had no useful information," you explained, a bit annoyed with your lack of result in this case. "But then they asked I lead them to Cannibal Cave, they said they were to meet a friend. I took the opportunity to lead to towards the bridge, told them it was the only way. I was kind of hoping one of them wouldn't make it across – a girl can dream. The Savior almost fell and Snow White immediately flew to her rescue, but she actually fell while trying to help her – she started screaming like a pig, it was a mess."

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