Once Upon in Neverland (Peter Pan) - Part 1

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Synopsis: When you came on Neverland to save Henry from Peter Pan, you didn't expect to find your home there. Unsuspected memories come back and slowly your old self returns, wiping away any trace of who you were for the last hundred years you spent stuck in Storybrooke because of the dark curse.

A/N: This is an AU, very largely inspired from the events of OUAT. It doesn't take in account Peter Pan's back story as Rumple's father (and this Henry's grandfather) neither his death (I live in denial, sue me). It's, of course, completely made up, I didn't take this idea from any myth (at least, not purposely??). This is pretty far from everything else I've written, I hope you'll enjoy anyway!

Info: Italics is for the past!

Art thou pale for weariness
Of climbing heaven and gazing on the earth,
Wandering companionless
Among the stars that have a different birth,
And ever-changing like a joyless eye
That finds no object worth its constancy?

The shores of Neverland had something unique. Everything about this place was unreal; from the ever so clear sky to the soft and warm sand of the beach. Steady waves of azure water crashed against the rocks of the mermaid lagoon, a few miles away from were you sat.

You sat in the sand three hours ago and you hadn't moved a muscle since then, apart from occasionally shifting positions when your limbs grew numb. The zephyr blew lightly through your hair, but you had stopped trying to fix it two hours ago and now let it fly around. The weather was so nice, and the nature so calm... Pan must be in an particularly good mood. You leaned back and dug yours fingers in the sand, searching for a few minutes before finding a sea shell.

Whenever you came here, you always wished the time would stop so you could enjoy the view forever, before remembering how silly it was. It made you laugh, and just like every time you laughed, it felt like the whole island silenced so the only sound left was the crystalline laughter falling from your lips.

It's been four months since Henry's family came to save him, and when you accompanied them on Neverland, you thought it was the first time you came here. To say that it was a surprise to have Peter Pan talk to you like you were an old friend of him was an understatement. At first, your friends turned their back on you, they pushed you away, thinking they had been tricked. Back in Storybrooke, when they had all lost their memories, you were known under the name of (Y/N).

A name so unlike you, you would later understand. In the dim light of the sunset, your hair beheld a fiery glow and with the wind, it looked like a ring of fire surrounded you. (Y/N). A name that screamed soft, innocent and pure. When you saw Pan, and he realized that you couldn't remember him, he looked utterly dismayed, but then he asked what your name was and when he heard it, he laughed. He called it ironic, told you your old name suited you better.

You demanded he told you what it was many times, but he refused. Pan wanted you to remember your old self – to remember him. You asked him why you were still here, why he hadn't allowed you to leave on the Jollyroger with the others, but this question, like all the others, was ignored and you started to get tired of being treated like a child – like a clueless little girl who had to learn by herself and was denied any kind of explanation. That's why you came to the beach: to be alone, to think, to remember. It was a tiring process.

"I told you not to go near the mermaids," Peter's stark voice said behind you. Anger shone through his tone and you could tell he was standing straight, fists clenched and teeth gritting. A sigh fell from your lips; you knew your moment of privacy was over.

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