More (chapter 5)

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Chapter five

The next morning was kind of hazy, and since there was no sun to calculate the time, you weren't sure it even was morning. You stretched your muscles, letting out a small groan when you were able to pop your back. An arm tightened around your waist and a leg tangled its way into yours, a face smiling against your skin as the arm was successful in bringing you closer to something that was behind you.

You turned your head and you were greeted by a tired Kylo Ren, his eyes barely able to withstand the heaviness of sleep.

"Good morning, beautiful." He spoke in a low, velvety voice. He opened his eyes a little more, taking in the beauty of your morning-after appearance.

"Good morning." You said, smiling at the sleepy man. "Did you sleep well?"

"Oh I had the most amazing dream, and you were there. You see, we were on this very same bed and we did some amazing things, kind of like this," he leaned towards you, his lips ghosting over the skin of your shoulder before they placed kisses up to your neck. He then kissed up your jawline, making his way to your mouth. He kissed you gently, soft lips clashing with yours.

"I can see how that would be a good dream." you giggled as rolled on top of you, both of you playfully wrestling each other beneath the sheets. Today was going to be a good day.


Once you had gotten some clothes on, you were down by some form of food court, hoping to get something to eat. Before you could even think about looking at what they had, Kylo Ren had taken your hand into his, earning them some sideways glances from a few of the generals. Kylo had on his mask, which made you frown. Why he has chosen to hide that beautiful face of his, you had no idea. More people would probably have joined the dark side for this darth Vader fanboy if they could see his wonderful features.

"What do you think I should get?" You asked him as you browsed the menu above.

"How about we just get a ton of these rations and go to the training room. I still haven't finished with training you." Kylo's robotic voice sounded so void of emotion, but that was probably the point when keeping up the reputation as the galactic badass who leads the first order.

Once the both of you had grabbed all your rations, you made your way to the training room together.

"Today, (y/n), we are going to be using light sabers. I believe I have found the perfect one fore you." Kylo said, excitement underlining his every word. "You'll see once we get there." He smiled at you, watching your eyes widen with excitement.

"My very own light saber? Really? Come on I gotta see it!" You grabbed his hand and ran towards the training room.

You ran into the room, and saw a beautiful black hilt laying on the bench. You wondered what color it would be, and imagined yourself weilding such a magnificent weapon. You picked up the hilt, tracing a finger over the intricate designs carved into it. Kylo walked up behind you, happy to see that you found his gift. You held the weapon, a purple beam appearing in front of your face.

"I thought purple would suit you since it draws its power from both the light and the dark. Besides, it's a sexy color on you." Kylo smirked as he let his eyes wander down your body. Clearly he liked what he saw.

"You dork!" You said playfully as you swished your light saber through the air, a bright streak trailing behind it. "Ok, teach me how this thing works."

"Well," Kylo positioned himself behind you, gliding his hands down your arms. "Let me guide you." He said as he moved with you, showing you techneques on how to weird the saber properly. You tried to focus on what he was showing you, but the only thing on your mind was Kylo Ren's body against yours.

You cleared your head and tried to not think about the close proximity between you two, and took some mental notes on what he was showing you. He guided your movements so that the weapon seemed to float through the air, but now it was time to hit a target. He moved away from you and placed a peice of wood in front of you.

"Now, I want you to try and cut this in half." Kylo said as he backed away, waiting for you to strike the peice of wood. You held up the fatal instrument and struck the wood diagonally, slicing through it like it was a peice of paper. How ironic.

"That was amazing (y/n)! You're a natural. You'll be ready to fight in no time!" Kylo was impressed by your precision and had never seen anything like it. Your body seemed to know what it was doing, even if your mind did not. Something was different about you, but Kylo couldn't figure out what it was.


By the time you were done with training, your body was sore and you were in desperate need of a shower. Come to think of it, you haven't showered in days. Once you got to your chambers, you went straight for the bathroom and turned the knob so that the water was the perfect temperature. You shed your clothing and stepped into the water, droplets trickling down your naked body. There was something soothing about the rythmic beat of the water against your back, and it helped you to relax your sore muscles.

You closed your eyes and let the water wash over you. You scrubbed your cheeks and got the dirt from under your eyes and from the creases by your nose. You washed the greasiness out of your (h/c) hair and let out a sigh. It felt good to finally clean yourself.

You walked out of the shower, refreshed and feeling new. You looked around and realized that you didn't bring any clean clothes with you. Did you even have any other clothes? You sighed again, this time out of frustration. You also forgot a towel, not that you knew where any of them were. Fuck it. You grabbed the towel off of the little rack and wrapped it around your body.

You picked up your dirty clothes off the floor and walked out, sitting down on your bed and laying your dirty clothes next to you. One thing that people haven't told you about the leader of the first order was how the hell he did his laundry.

You sighed and plopped down onto the sheets, bringing a hand to your forehead. You closed your eyes and tried to think of something to make you feel better, though your thoughts weren't all that innocent.

You imagined Kylo kissing you, his soft lips lulling you to sleep. Though that may have seemed a little weird, it was still effective. Something was calming about him, though you didn't know what or even why, since he kind of was evil and despiteful of the light and aggressive when he wants to be. Maybe that's why you liked him- he was an asshole to everyone but you.

Kylo Ren-- dark turns to lightWhere stories live. Discover now