Christmas (G)

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You take a sip of your steaming coffee as Blair, your 4 year old, tears the wrapping paper off of one of her presents.

"A Barbie doll!" She squeals as she throws the red and green colored wrapping paper aside. You quietly giggle as she runs into the kitchen, where her father stands.

"Dad! I got a Barbie doll!" "See? I told you that Santa would listen to you!" He places one hand on top of her small head, messing up her brown hair. "Daaaad!" She whines before reaching her small free hand up to her head to fix it. He chuckles as he starts walking towards you. He sits down on the floor next to you and puts his hand on your thigh.

She runs back over to the decorated, bright, tree and checks underneath for anymore presents. She jumps up as she finds one and goes over to you. "Mommy this is for you! It's from Dad!" You look over at your husband, Grayson, and he has a cheesy grin plastered on his face.

You look at the horribly wrapped small box and start to unwrap it. It's a small red box, and at this point you're filled with curiosity. You open it to find a heart shaped, gold, locket. You gasp as you open it and find a picture of your small family inside.

You put it around your neck, and hug Grayson. "Thank you, babe," you say, smiling. "You're welcome. I hope you like it."

"I love it."

You set your cup of coffee down on the coffee table and go into your bedroom. You grab Grayson's present from under the bed and go back into the living room, holding it out to him.

You hand it to him and a confused look washes over his face. "Why wasn't this under the tree?" "Because. I know you, ya little snoop," you tease while lightly tapping the tip of his nose. He laughs and starts to unwrap the box.

He grabs the small object, that's wrapped in white tissue paper, out of the box and unwraps it, holding it in his large hands. His jaw drops, making Blair run over to him. "What is it daddy?"

"Oh my god..." He hugs you, not letting go of the small thing.

"I'm gonna be a dad again," he whispers. "You're gonna have a little baby brother or sister, Blair!" She smiles and you all hug each other.

"This is the best Christmas present ever. Thank you, love."




I want to thank all of you for reading this book, and voting. I seriously think I started writing this book one day when I had major Dolan Twin feels (lol I have 'em all the time what am I saying), and I want to say thank you again for everything!

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