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Getting over you is hard, Taehyung. I keep thinking about you every second, you can't imagine the pain I'm bearing. It's been two weeks only, I know, but I want you to come back to me. I want you to love me again. Why can't I do this? I hate you, you knew that you were going to break all the promises. Never think about coming back again. I'm done with you.

You folded the paper carefully before throwing it into the trash bin. It's been almost a year since your ex-boyfriend had left you and ever since then he didn't mind to call you or check up on you. The trash bin and you weren't that different, you two meant the same to that idiot. The bell rang and you knew who it was immediately. As you opened the door your new "almost - boyfriend" stepped in. His name was Jimin and he was the same age as Taehyung. You two had met each other continously the past month and after the kiss he had given you on the last date you knew, it was about time for him to ask you out.

"Hey cutie", he pecked your lips and put all the bags on the table.

You stumbled back a little. A kiss right at the beginning? Not that you didn't like it, not at all. His lips were soft and felt like cotton, he could kiss you all day. But still it was weird to get used to new lips.

"What is that? Don't tell me you got chicken!", you're voice went some octaves higher.

Instead of answering he just gave you a smirk. Oh what an amazing boyfriend.

"Thank you so much, Jimin!"

"It's a pleasure, darling.", he pecked your lips again and his hands surrounded your waist. Why was he so touchy today?
It was 11 pm by the time you finished eating and cleaning the mess you had caused. Jimin was sitting on the sofa watching TV, waiting for you. You stood behind the sofa and started stroking his hair. His grin showed you that he enjoyed it.

"Why don't you come sit next to me, I need to ask you something.", he pointed at the empty spot beside him, indicating you to sit down. His body stiffened, what was going on? Suddenly you remembered the last time you had seen a boy in this similar state.

~ flashback

"Sit down"

"What the hell Taehyung?"

" I said sit the wasabi down."


"Forget it. I'm making the most horrible jokes when I'm in this position. Oh my god, just please sit down.", he put you by your shoulders and made you sit down on the swing. He breathed in and out for a few times before finally opening his mouth.

"Did you know that you're perfect?"

The giggles couldn't be controlled so you started laughing with cheeks red like tomatoes.

"I'm serious. The way you treat me, like no one ever did before and no one ever will. You're the only one who can make me laugh. And happy. I can only be happy with you. So please...", he scrambled in his pocket for something. His ears were red and his hands were shaking. This is what you wanted him to do all the time without realising it. This little sparkle whenever you saw him or simply heard his rough deep voice, this was undeniable. You knew all along that but somehow you had managed to keep that sparkle mute. But now, you wouldn't have to anymore.
He had finally fished out a golden necklace with a "T" on it. You noticed that he was wearing a necklace too.

"What is that?", you stood up and because your legs felt like pudding you looked for support by grabbing his shirt. To ignore this embarrassing moment you quickly pulled his necklace out. The initial was for your name. You gasped quietly, realising that he had worn this for a quite a while without you noticing it.

"Darling... I want to love you and make you happy and laugh and just be the perfect boyfriend for you. Forever, that's what I promise. Be my girlfriend?"

You nodded and soon you were lost in Taehyung's arms and soft but passionate kisses.

end of flashback ~

"You know that these past months have been quite.. incredible. I'm serious. At the moment I thought I was about to hit the ground you caught me and lifted me up. I thought I could never like another girl again but here I am... and I am crazy for you like I've never been for any other girl. What do you feel?", Jimin's eyes were intensely staring into yours. Like he was trying to read your mind.

What do you feel? You felt Taehyung's arms around you. His low voice whispering into your ear every night telling you how much he loves you. But Taehyung was the past and now you had Jimin - the perfect chance to move on.

"The same!", you lied earning a naive smile from the guy opposite to you. He leaned in closer and as soon as his lips met yours you knew you would try your hardest to move on. Taehyung was the past, Jimin is now and the future.

Jimin stayed the night. You two cuddled until 4 am in your bed, quietly. He told you some stories about his childhood, his family and his friends. And with his storied serenading your ear you dozed off into dreamland.

It was dark but you could see a figure heading towards you. Could it be?

"Taehyung?", you mumbled, rubbing your eyes and trying your hardest to see him better. It has been ages since you've seen him the last time. He looked so attractive, so beautiful - as always.

He kept on coming closer until he was only one feet away. His breathing was loud and you could smell him again. Trying to enjoy the perfect moment during the perfect moment is difficult, you never knew how to enjoy something right. But right now the best thing seemed to be just breathing in his scent and admiring his presence.

"Babe... you moved on?", his rough voice asked you quietly.

Silence. You didn't move on yet but you surely wouldn't tell him. No way you would give him what he wanted.

"Don't move on. I don't want you to."

"T-t-that's selfish."

"I know. But please don't move on just yet."

And then you woke up in Jimin's arms.


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