Goodness Gracionious!!

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After we had finished eating and Collin had exclaimed how unfair we were being by not telling him what Raph was going to say we decided,well I had convinced them, not to go to school because we, I, didn't feel like it. We were walking along a sidewalk when something bumped into me causing me to fall. It was Neptune.

"Watch it Dummie!" I say playfully getting up and brushing the dust off of myself.

"Sorry I was in a rush and I'm late for school and-wait what are you guys doing here?"he asked after i helped him up

"Well we decided to skip school"

"Uh YOU decided to skip school" Tammy said

" Uh, I just did what we all wanted to do! And I don't see YOU objecting!" I shot back at her. "Anyways why don't you join us?" I ask

" I Dunno, I mean I have a test and if I fail-"

"Who cares about the test?! Your a straight A student!! One measly little test isn't gonna do anything!!" I interrupted.

He looked at me for a little, then sighed heavily and said," Fine! You win!" Haha yes! One thing about werewolves is the power of persuasion, I mean, how else do you think Obama became president? Oops...forget I said that...

"Yay! OK so we were going!!' I said forgetting what we were going to do, trying to get them to save me.... well now i know who I'm going to be protected from in the zombie apocolypse. Not.

"Psssst! someone!!" I whisper yell

"oh we were going to go play laser tag, yea i know awesome right?" finally! Alise helps me out! Dam these people can be so thick headed, but for some reason i love them, meh i gotta stop doing that.

Wait hold up! "We were!?!?!"

"Yes we were, MoMo, and now Neptune is gonna come with us, okaaaaaaay?" she said as if were some little two year old fairy.

"I'm surprised, not stupid" i said to her.

"Well i wouldn't be surprised" Neptune said it so quietly that no one but me and Alise could hear, since i have awesome hearing as did she. Oh this mother fluffer.

Alise snorted. "yea, ha ha, ha ha h-" i cut myself off by punching Neptune so hard in the shoulder that he flew back five feet. The only reason he stopped was because of the tree that was behind him and decided to hug him. Dammit tree!

"Ow!!! what the hell?!?!?" he groaned slash yelled at me.

"Oh Im sorry, what was that? I couldnt hear you over my stupidity!"

"Whoa, calm down" Collin said while puting his hand on my shoulder, sending a calming sensation through my body.

"Don't use yo powers on me, brah!" i exclaimed. Aww, yeah, its gehtto time!!

"Well sorry!! i had too!" he defened himself

"Collie's right, i mean.... we dont need another episode of "Werewolfs outa control!" like last time now do we?" Tammy said trying to reason with me. "Especially with a bunch of... norms.'

"Fine....thank you..." I mumbled

"I'm, im sorry, i didnt quite catch that" Collin said cupping his ear and leaning closer.

" Back away. Or I'll rip your throat out. With my teeth" I replied gritting my teeth.

"Message recieved" he said letting his arms drooping to his sides.

Ok, so a little thing about my group of friends....we all aren't human....yeaaaa....did I mention that before? Eh, I don't know or care so I'm saying it again. Collin's "ability" thingy magigy, thing is that he can control emotions-ish? Something along the lines of that, he was able to calm me with his touch because of that, which he ends up doing a lot, and it annoys me to no end. He can also speak to is in our minds o.O , I mean I can too but that's because of my werewolfyness, so he's not that special....I'm kidding....maybe. Oh, I should also put a face to that name, Collie has blond hair with bangs, kinda like Dona's, but shorter, and wears thick rimmed glasses. He's a tall lanky-ish fellow(not really, he actually has an average-ish amount of muscles, with brown eyes, and Yeah...let's go with that.

'Why do you always do that?'

Ugh...he's already in my mind...the little twat...

'You love me, and apparently, Neptune too'

'WHAT!!?? Are asking for me to rip your throat out?!'

'Your not denying it...'

'Well here I am! DENYING IT!!'

'Yeah, Mhm suuuuuurrrrree '

"What does Don see in you..." I mumble

"What?" Collie asks, confused once again.

"Nothing" I reply with a hint of sarcasm, giving him an obviously fake smile.

"Well what are we doing still standing here?! Let's go!" Jake exclaims

"Oh my fluffing piece of flying monkey sauce!!! When did you get here?!?"

Goodness Gracionious!!!


"Ummm... Ever since we left Good Burger(A/N: if you know where this is from I love you why are you reading this?!? Continue reading this sucky story!!)

"Nah weren't here five minutes ago..."

" Uh...yes he was.. You know for a werewolf who's always alert and observant, your not very....observant..." Tammy says.

"Why you gotta be throwin' shade like that brah?!" I ask, being overly

"...What does that even mean!?!" She asks, answering my question with one of her own....why does she always do that!? I start laughing though because her expression is hilarious.

"I'm just pullin' your pickle!! But like jakey-"

"Don't call me that!"

I roll my eyes and continue, "Like I was SAYING, before I was RUDLEY inteRUPTED, like jakey-WAKEY said, let us set off!! And make our way to the amazing lazer tag... place...thing...or whatever!!"

Oh wait!! "WHOS PAYING?!" I ask suddenly

A little after we start walking

"Why don't you ever buy your own stuff?" Neptune asks rubbing his shoulder blade, which was probably hurt the most from the tree I rammed him into previously....hehehe suffer motherfluffer.

"Umm.. Well... You see... Thewaythatmybankacountissetup..." I quote, the amazing Kevin Hart.

Alise laughs hysterically at my comment, we're both huge fans of his\(^-^\)

"Don't worry, I am, I got paid this week"Alise states once she calmed herself...with a little help from Collin... Which by the way is very weird of her.... That's not the way we Mexicans roll...Eh at least I'm not paying.

"Oh well good because you know how I l-" I stop mid-sentence once I see someone walking towards us.

"Look what the cat dragged in" I say coldly.


Hey.....IM SO SORRY!!! IVE BEEN GOING THROUGH A LOT!!! AND I MEAN A LOT!!! I FEEL AWFUL!!! IM A BUTT FACE!!! A MONKEY HEAD!! IM EVEN A...DARE I SAY IT.... POLE LICKER!!(not in that way you dirties!!) SO PWEAZE DONT BURN ME AT THE STAKE!! I know it's not that long....I'm sowwy....and to be double mean I left a cliff hanger...I'm evil!! Ps.: picture of Neptune!!! Also I WILL be updating sometime this week! I know I say that all the time but I mean it!! And I'd I don't you can burn me at the stake...but please don't... That seems as if it hurts.... Who do you think it was?!! Hmmmm?!? o.O oh well I have to go so enjoy my little Mischievous Momos!! Yea! Ima start calling you that instead of something so unoriginal like lovelies.... It's not bad it's just that a lot of people use it...ima shut up now...bai!

So this is dedicated to everyone who commented!! Even though I can't put that little dedicated thing...:/ but that includes!!!: @BADWOLF100799 @GloriaValdes @YamilexRios @AcidSoakedCloud @xXxmimilovexXx @_ShadowHunter and @rosegardenx3 !!!! Thanks so much!! I love you all!! You can't fathom how fluffing happy and honored I felt (and still feel) when I read them!! I honestly thought no one would give this story the time of day... So I am very grateful! I just hope you guys truly enjoy this so...that's all! Now get back to your interesting lives!! And put this boring ole story down!

R.I.P. Lazaro Mendoza, December 9, 1930 -January 2, 2014

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