Not Until Your In My Arms

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Monica Pov.

"Look what the cat dragged in" i say coldly.

"I missed you too babe" IT replied, winking. Everyone looked in the direction of the source.

"What are you dong here Magnus " Alise asked , venom dripping from her voice, " We thought you were in London, for good" She continued.

"Well, I missed my puppy" He said staring right at me, coming closer to us, I roll my eyes and reply with just a whatever."You know Alise, I will never see what you find in these things interesting, they are no match for us vampires, seeing as we are superior to all of them, except for you of course, mi amor" he adds, grabbing my hand and kissing the back of it when he finished his statement. I growled and snatched my hand out of his as if it was burning.

"They're my friends, and are awesome and you need to back off" She said stepping in between us.

"Yeah! And stop eye-raping Momo!" Jake demanded, with what little bravery he has.

He just ignored the both of them and continued to look at me, uhhhhhh... awkward?

"You Vampires are not superior to werewolves! Or any of our kind!! Lemme guess, your part of the VVV?" I tasked him, I wouldn't be surprised if he was apart of the vampire version of the KKK.

"aw, come on who would you rather be with? someone who is incredibly fast and is blessed with eternal youth? or some mutt who smells like wet dog all day?" he asked. Is he for real?

"Hey! Watch it! Considering i am one of those mutts who smell like wet dog," i hadn't realized that he had come closer until i could feel his breath on my face, either that or my heightened senses. "and Vampires may be faster," He quickly flashed behind me in less then a second,"werewolves are certainly stronger,"I finished while reaching my hand back grabbing his and twisting so that I was behind him with his arm against his back.

"Well, isn't my puppy quite the feisty one" he chuckled.

"I am not your puppy' I gritted out pushing him away

"Guys! Lower down your voices!! You seem to have to forgotten there is still a bunch of norms around, and we don't need to have a freaking kung fu soap opera in the middle of the sidewalk!" Tammy exclaimed.

"Well I must be on my way anyways, I've been around you all for more than five minutes and it's making me nauseous" Mangus says, then turns to Lis, " And don't forget, if you ever come to your senses, you can always come and join your own kind, your family"

" We are her family, so a buh bye!" I exclaimed, adding a little wave.

" do not worry you'll see me soon, very soon" And with that, he walked away and disappeared into the shadows...literally.

HAII!! you request, i serve! or however that thing goes... Anywho!! sorry it was short... im a meany head... SO what do you think of Mangus? hmmmmmmm???he is played by the LOVELY Dylan O' Brien!!! (picture on the side:P) although he looks too adoreable to be be all bad and stuff... Also i have changed some of the people who portray the characters becauseeeee.... i felt like it... so thats all my mischievous momos!

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 07, 2014 ⏰

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