Chapter One- Moving In

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Day One.

Fresh start. Clean slate. Ready to begin again.

September 14th, standing outside my new home, I can't quell the nerves bubbling inside me. What if they all hate me? What if they kick me out? What if it happens again? I can't move again. I won't turn my life upside down once more.

The last time I shared a house with others, things ended terribly. Now, my parents were determined I lived with others (for the bonding/social experience I never got as an only child), but they moved me into a full-surveillance, high-security home. It was, essentially, like prison.

I flashed my badge at the security guard waiting out front and he nodded, twisting a lever that revolved the main gates open. Pebbles crunched under my tires, skidding across the asphalt as I made my way to the quaint two story house in front of me. I parked my car on the tarmac and walked towards the door, rattling my keys to shake off some nervous energy. My head was spinning and churning, and I had to pause and calm myself; attempting to erase past memories.

My hands fumbled with the doorknob, trying to work out where the lock was again. Once I found it, I sucked in a sharp breath and twisted the key.


I walked in, expecting something...anything to happen. But nothing did.

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