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"You shouldn't be doing that." A voice called from behind me. I quickly turned around, dropping the can of spray paint that had been in my hand, my fiery hair whipping across my face from the sudden movement. I was shocked to find a boy about my age standing at the opening of the dead end alley I had been painting in. I was even more surprised as I looked him over. He didn't look like he belonged in an alley, little lone this run down part of town, dressed nicely in black skinny jeans and a white v neck with a red and black flannel thrown on over top. Dirty blonde hair fell into his eyes and was slightly messy like he'd run his hand through it once or twice, but it still looked good. His eyes shone blue, an unbelievably bright blue that made me never want me to tear my boring brown eyes away from them. They were hypnotizing and I had to admit this boy looked... Undeniably handsome. But that only made me question even more what he was doing here. Reluctantly I turned my eyes away from his as I reached down to pick up the can of violet paint.

"What difference does it make to you?" I asked pretending like his presence didn't faze me at all but I was freaking out on the inside. I wasn't supposed to get into trouble, I couldn't, who knows what my father would do to me if I actually did something to be guilty of, plus I was actually a good kid. Had a job, got straight A's, I only did this because I needed a way out, a reason to be away from that house, a way to express myself. When he didn't answer right away I turned to see if he had left, maybe he'd gone to call the police.
The air caught in my throat as I nearly crashed into the boy who had moved to stand right behind me. I hadn't even heard his foot steps, no movement at all, why was that? I tried to compose myself before tilting my head up to face him. I was only about 5 5", but he had to be over six feet so I had to look up to look him in the eyes, especially since he stood so closely. I took a deep shaky breath as he leaned down but instead of doing what I thought he was going to do I felt his lips hover over my ear as he whispered,
"It only makes a difference for you." I was completely and utterly shocked by his words and stood there dumbfound as he straightened up again, not stepping back. I honestly had no idea what to say, I mean this is the first time I haven't been able to get out of a situation using my sarcasm and wit or just ducking my head and walking away. I couldn't talk, couldn't move, as if he'd put a spell on me. I grit my teeth in annoyance, but it was mainly directed at myself, this is probably the closest thing I've ever had to a conversation with another human being.
As I finally thought of something to say I heard sirens coming from a distance away. I had no idea if they were coming here, like I mentioned before this isn't the nicest part of town but the shivers that ran down my spine told me I better get the hell out of here.
"You. This is your fault," I began to rant as I dropped down to my knees, packing the cans of spray paint in the bag I had them packed in. "You called the cops and then distracted me. You had to have, no one has ever caught me before and now here you go and ruin everything. I knew you didn't belong around here." I barely thought about the words that left my mouth as I tried to keep my panic under control before brushing past him and out of the alleyway. I ran down the street as I swung the bag onto my shoulder. Only stopping about seven blocks and three turns later, I leaned against the light post across from my house. Dropping the bag by my feet as I took a moment to catch my breath. I made it out without getting caught which was great but now I'd have to go back to that house.
"I never caught your name." That same voice said causing me to jump.
"What the hell?" I can't help but almost yell. How did he find me, I was constantly looking behind me to see if the cops were on my tail but there had been no one. What was with this guy anyways?
"What?" He questions with a surprised look. I stare at him with slightly squinted eyes, trying to figure this guy out. After a moment of figuring out nothing a sigh before answering,
"Reed, Ashton Reed. Don't you dare make a comment about it." I didn't like my name. I never have and I didn't think I ever would. It was a boy's names and it got me weird looks and bullying, well that is what started the bullying. The only reason a have this name is because it's one one the ways my father punishes me, at least that's was he says.
He smile. The boy smiled what looked like a true genuine, kind smile, but that couldn't possibly, why would he?
"I like it. I've never met a girl with that name it's cool." He says with real interest causing me to search his eyes, he was actually being serious. Like I said before, what is with this guy? "I'm James." He introduced and held out his hand for me to shake. Pulling down my long sleeves just to be sure, I hesitantly took his hand in mine.
"So what's your deal?" I can't help but ask as I release his hand, letting my own fall back down to my side. He runs his hand through his hair like I had assumed he did before asking,
"Can we go some where a bit more private? I know there's no one here right now but I think it'd be better if you didn't look any more crazy to any bystanders." I didn't get what he had meant by that but my instincts are always right and I wasn't getting any bad vibes from him. Reluctantly, I nodded my head once.
"Come." I told him picking up my bag and crossing the street. I followed the path that was beside my house and walked along it until we were in the small forest. There was an old, wooden picnic table that had been here long before my time, but I sat on the table deciding to trust it's questionable stability. I gestured for him to explain and he took another deep breath. He was making me kind of nervous but my instincts have never been wrong so I've decided to trust this guy long enough to hear him out. And besides this was the closest thing I've had to a conversation in my entire life, I mean looking after 5 year old's for three years doesn't count. It was kinda nice to talk to another human without having my defense up automatically.
"It'll be easier to show you." He told me and before I had a chance to question that wings suddenly unfolded from behind his back. I blinked repeatedly but the pitch black wings stayed, maybe it was the fact the it was almost three am. Ya I was just seeing things right? I mean this couldn't possibly be real.

"I think I'm your guardian angel."

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