Chapter 47 - She's hurt real bad mama

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***Max's POV***

After Ashton had assured me she'd be alright while I as gone for a few minutes I jogged back to my bike. I was just about to head back after grabbing my phone when it rang. Mum. Knowing I'd get an earful if I didn't answer, I pressed 'answer'.

"Hi mum." I said just wanting to get back to Ashton. I didn't like leaving her alone in an alley on this side of town. I know, she had come here many times alone in the past, but that didn't stop me from worrying.

"Hey honey, I just wanted to make sure you were okay. Where are you and Ashton?" I knew if I told her what we were doing she'd have my ass. Even knowing that I had brought Ashton to an area like this she would lecture me for an hour so I didn't tell her. I hated lying to my mum.

"Ya everything is fine. We're just hanging out, getting some fresh air." I told her. It wasn't really a lie.

"Will you guys be out late. It's getting dark you two should be careful." Mum told me worriedly. I loved my mum, I was without a doubt a mama's boy, but I didn't care. And I knew she was just looking out for not only me but Ashton too. I knew she would love her, she already did and nothing would change that. It was another reason I loved mum, Ashton would never say it but I could tell it meant a lot to her when mum treated her like a daughter, now and at Christmas.

"I know, we shouldn't be out much longer. We've been doing lots today and I think we're both getting a little tired." I watched the sun disappear behind houses, going almost out of sight, street lights flicking on. In all honestly I had no problem going home right now, dragging Ashton into my room, even though I knew I wasn't really dragging her since she didn't protest and lay in bed with her. I loved the feeling of having her in my arms, I'd go insane if she decided I wasn't enough for her and I could never hold her again. Damn, I've fallen for her hard, and I'm still falling, even harder.

"Alright, be careful honey."

"Alright bye mama." I hung up and slipped my phone into the pocket of my jeans before heading back in the direction of Ashton. I was just walking down the street, looking both ways before crossing onto the next block and the next and then everything went to hell. My heart stopped.

I yelled her name in terror as I watched her slide down the brick wall across the street, a tall, broad man standing over her. I bolted across the cross walk, not even thinking about a car coming by and hitting me, and instantly punched the guy. He must have been drunk out of his mind because he instantly past out from single hit, something clattering out of his hands. The blood ran from my face, freezing in my veins when I saw the blood covered knife next to his hand and instantly dropped down next to Ashton. A large spot grew on her shirt and I knew it was blood despite her shirt being black. Her eyes were shut and she looked pale.

"Ashton, Ashton, I need you to open your eyes. C'mon baby girl, don't go to sleep, not now."I had pulled her close to me not caring about getting her blood on me. I hate to say it but it wouldn't be the first time. Trying not to panic to much I grabbed my phone. I need to be grounded or she might not come out of this alive, she was losing a lot of blood. I nearly dropped my phone, my hand slippery from applying pressure to the wound with m y hands and dialed three numbers.

"Hello what is your emergency." A women's voice asked in a calm voice that only pissed me off.

"My girlfriend was just stabbed and won't wake up." I say unable to keep the panic from seeping into my voice.

"Alright sir can you tell me here you are. An ambulance if on it's way." I looked down the street at the sign and relayed the name to her before the line died. I bowed my head over Ashton's body, keeping my hands over where I thought the stab was, trying my damnedest not to cry. Minutes later sirens could be heard and people came, taking her body away from me and placing her in the ambulance. I tried to follow asking if she was going to be alright.

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