Chapter 14 - Room 166

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"Get off your high horse Maxie, I know you really want me." I shivered in disgust. And not just from the words but the fact that it was without a doubt Angela. Mentally face palming myself I thought, God kill me know. Not that any time I was around her turned out well, like ever, but the party back in September was the worst so I can only dread what will happen when I reveal myself. With that thought I decided that I'd just wait till I hear them leave and take a step back in the direction of the bathroom. Of course with my luck the floor bored made a loud squeak, drawing both of their eyes to me. Max's eyes filled with terror and worry. I'm not sure why terror but maybe he was also remembering the last party I attended. A smirk crossed Angela's face as she placed a hand on her hip, popping it out to the side in what I assume was meant to be a sassy way. Dressed in a cat costume that left little to imagination made me gag internally. "Decided to show your face again freak. Here I thought you were to embarrassed to show up to another party." I couldn't hold back my eye roll as I sighed. Really that was what she was smirking about, her lame ass comment. Real clever.
"Where is her off button?" I question quietly to myself, but it really wasn't that quiet. She rolled her eyes, flipping her hair off her shoulder before turning to Max and ignoring me. Ha, now he had to deal with her, better him than me. But it was then I realized how tense and... mad, he seemed to become in only the past few moments.
"Maxie, c'mon. Don't you want to have some real fun." She said, returning to what sounded like their previous conversation.
"Angela," he said in a warning tone, "are you so stupid that I need to spell it out for the twentieth time tonight?" His tone was harsh and he spit out the word tonight. I was about to leave them to it when I was randomly brought back into the conversation. My name my not have been said but I knew she meant me.
"That trash clearly isn't your girlfriend so I don't understand why you won't just give in already." Not only did I want to piss her off for calling me trash, not that I shouldn't be used to it, but I knew I'd feel guilty later if I didn't help Max, I mean it wasn't going to hurt me just to stand next to him and lie to her.
"Clearly I am." I stated taking a step away from the steps and next to Max, lacing my fingers with his. His hand relaxed even though I could tell the rest of him was tense. I mean I was the queen of being tense so I would know.
"Remember what happened last time you touched something you shouldn't have. You ended up getting a reality check and a face full of messy makeup. Not that it didn't make your ugly face look better." Her tone was venom but she smirked as she spoke her "oh-so-clever" insult.
"Sorry to burst your bubble but I've been called worse," I pause taking a moment to look her over with a disgusted look before looking her in the eyes again, "by better." Her face turned red, for whatever reason I couldn't pin point, and she opened her mouth to most likely say something a lady she never say before Max cut her off. Damn, and I was having so much fun since I didn't get a chance to do this last time.
"Angela, you really need to leave before you say something you regret." His voice was way to calm, it almost scared me too, cause clearly Angela was, even if for a moment.
"Like I would regret anything." The confidence in her tone made me want to roll my eyes and it took everything in me not to do it for the third time.
"You would if you remember our conversation about insulting my girlfriend from last time you did." He put obvious stress on the word girlfriend, probably to piss off Angela even more. I didn't know what he meant when he mentioned some conversation they had back in September because by the way he said the word and the way she shrieked back in fear, I don't think I was really much of a conversation. But it did make me curious to say the least. Max's tone was so clam and void of emotion, not that it usually had a lot of emotion when talking to other people, but this was different and scary to say the least. I mean this was probably why he didn't really talk to anyone in high school, and maybe why he ended up with being friends with such jerks. Because he could be so scary that they were the only people that would hang out with him. But it did make me wonder even more how he became friends with Blase. Maybe Max was working on that whole scary thing.
Angela opened her mouth to say something but closed it right away. Defeated she shoved past me mumbling "freak" so only I could hear it, and left the room. It was silent between Max and I for a second before he turned to stand in front of me.
"I'm sorry you got involved. Are you going to stop eating again. Are you going to have nightmares again. Will you hurt your-" I automatically cut him off his voice had turned so soft and concern and solum that it made me feel warm inside, I mean Max was showing concern for me, and not that that wasn't sweet enough but two seconds ago he wasn't showing any emotion at all. But it also made feel something else that I couldn't place, but it was different from the warm feeling.
"Hey, it's fine. I'm not going to do anything. It's nothing I'm not used to so I can't promise anything about the nightmares but it won't be bad." I tell him shrugging it off. Sadly I should have been more careful with my words.
"What do you mean you're used to it?" His voice was dripping with worry, uncertainty and a little bit of anger, but I knew it wasn't directed at me. With a sigh of announce directed at myself for not being more careful I skipped the lying, knowing he would somehow see right through it.
"I mean any time Angela passes me in the halls or where ever she mumbles some not so nice words. But I don't care, it doesn't effect me like it did back at that party. I'm used to the constant bashing I just wasn't prepared for it then." I'm so used to excusing people for the way they treat me when I know it's not okay. "She totally ruined my favorite animal." I add in a really sad mumble. I loved cats and she had to go and do that with for her costume. Max chuckled having heard me and said,
"I didn't know cats were your favorite animal." I looked up to see the faint smile on his face and found myself smiling along with him. Even though the subject had changed there was still an undertone of worry when he spoke.
"Of course. They're so adorable and sweet and calm and cuddly. I'd love to have a little kitten." I gushed completely forgetting that I was talking with Max. I really did love cats so much and have always wanted one, but that was obviously never an option. Max laughed lightly and my face heated up with slight embarrassment.
"I should go look for Crystal and Sage." I said trying to get away from my embarrassed state.
"Aw, leaving me so soon darling. C'mon, let's dance." I opened my mouth to protest when I was yanked by the hand that was for some reason still in his. He pulled me up the stairs at such a fast past I almost tripped over the stairs. Like most things, I usually didn't have good luck with stairs. The music became louder and louder the more steps we climbed before we were back on the main floor and I was being lead to the room the music was coming from. Well that's where the DJ was so even if there were speakers everywhere it was still coming from that room.
Somehow finding room between the many people that hadn't seemed to have left since I was last here, Max pulled me closer so him and draped his arms around my waist.
"You do know this isn't a slow dance." I yelled over the music skeptically.
"What's your point?" He asked like I couldn't possible think of a reason.
"So," I said pulling back and instead taking his hands in mine as I put space between us, "you're supposed to dance I little more like this." Swaying my hips to the beat of the music I let out hands swing slightly between us. Something flashed in his eyes that I couldn't decipher because of the darkness before he tightly his grip on my hand slightly and spun me around. I giggled before we continued to dance for a while, him occasionally spinning me. I had to admit I liked being spun.
I was instantly pulled close against him again as a slow song finally came one, his hands wrapped around my hips. I gave in and let my arms come up and wrap around his neck. Exhausted from the dancing I let my forehead fall against his shoulder as my breathing calmed down. Neither of us said anything until the song ended. I'd be lying if I didn't admit that I was sad that it had ended.
"Thanks Max." I said pulling away.
"What for?" He asked letting me go as we slowly made our way to the edge of the mass of people.
"Nothing I just had fun dancing. But I'm tired and I think I'm gonna head back, so I'll see you later?"
"Do you need a ride. I don't want you walking home alone in the dark." He offered, the sincerity clear in his eyes.
"I'll be fine. Besides I can take care of myself, I'm a big girl." I told him with an overly confident tone. "Besides if anything happens I have a guardian angel that'll be there in a second."
"What about the cold. You'll catch a cold in that." He persists, gusting to my dress.
"What you don't like my dress?" I teased turning to the side and gusting myself to my dress, except I did it a little differently than him. His eyes raked up and down my body, eyeing the slit that showed my legs, before his eyes came back to mine. I shivered from the intense look but I didn't know what it meant.
"No I don't. I love your dress." The way he said that made me blush furiously and I was thankful for the darkness that hid it. Quickly going back to our previous topic I said,
"Really I'll be fine. Goodbye Gilbert." I said in a singsong voice. I turned to leave when he said,
"See ya later sweetheart." Rolling my eyes at the nickname I took I step to leave when I remembered something.
"Wait Max!" I called before he could leave.
"If my friends ask where I am can you let them know I left. I don't wanna go on a manhunt and my phone is back in my dorm." I asked of him.
"Ya, course." With those confirming words I nodded in goodbye before turning and really leaving this time. When I got back to my dorm fifteen minutes later I shivering slightly and my feet were sore. James was passed out in bed, sleeping like a rock as always, but I was glad since he wasn't feeling 100% before. He looked peaceful asleep so I let him rest, not that I could even wake him if I tired, it'd be like trying to wake the dead. Sitting on the edge of my bed,my picked up my phone where I had left it and check the time and my messages. It was half past eleven so not that late and I had a message from Sage. Except at the end of the message it had "-C&S" telling me that the message was from both of them. It was basically them asking why I left and if I was okay, to which I replied that I was just tired. After that the conversation ended but I found myself getting distracted with other thing on my phone. Bad news, when I finally decided to get up and wash my face it was past midnight. Oops. Knowing nothing could wake James I went into my music and pressed play on my The 1975 playlist, the volume low. My favorite song by them, Antichrist, played softly as I washed my face and took off the band that went around my head. The warm water cleaned away all the make up leaving my face empty mind for the few light freckles that were peppered across my cheek bones and nose that you could barely see. As 'Robbers' bang someone knocked on the room door. Weird, I thought as I went to open it only to find !ax standing on the other side. What was odd about this wasn't the fact that it was half past midnight but that he seemed to be swaying ever so slightly from side to side. And that's when I realized he was drunk. Oh no, oh dear God, being around driving people at a party, fine I can handle that but being around one drunk person, no, no, no. Of course I feared the worse.
"Max, what are you doing here?" My voice expressed the ever so slight fear I felt at the moment. With slurring words he began to speak,
"I know you must hate drunk people," he said before hiccuping, "cause of your dad and stuff *hic* but I really wanted to come and *hic* see you." The fear slowly subsided as an amused smirk came to my face.
"Gilbert, are you trying to imply something here?" I asked not even sure myself if he was or if he was just drunk off his ass. I mean how did this happen, I left him just over an hour ago and he was sober then.
"Huh *hic* no. But you are really pretty *hic* you should never wear makeup *hic*" he took a step towards me and brought his hand up causing me to flinch, but he didn't notice as he placed his hand on my cheek, caressing it gently. " you look better without it." I smiled a small smile before thanking me.
"Thank you. But I really think you should really get some sleep. How did you even get here?" I asked him becoming worried that he drove in this state.
"Blase *hic* drove me back. And I don't wanna *hic* sleep." He whined like a little kid causing me to giggle. Okay so this was not his usual smirks and otherwise no emotion self but I did not hate it. It was hilarious.
"Well," I began to speak like I would with a four year old, "why didn't Blase make sure you stayed in your guys room?"
"He's with *hic* his girlfriend." I didn't even know Blase had a girlfriend. I wonder why that never came up. Forgetting the thought as Max leaned forward, nearly falling over.
"Good god." I mumbled reaching out to lean his body against mine. Shifting his body so that his arm slung around my neck I shut our room and door and began to slowly help Max down the stairs.
"It's not fair." He mumbled as we made it part way down the stairs.
"What isn't fair?" I asked curiously.
"That James gets to be your guardian angel." Having no idea what he's taking about I don't question him farther about it as we make it to the second floor.
"What room are you?" I asked realizing I didn't actually know that.
"166," He mumbled leaning his head against the side of mind. His warm breath against my ear caused goosebumps to run up my body before I continued to walk us to his room. Opening the door, I was in luck (for the first time ever) to find it unlocked, and plopped Max down on the bed he told me was his. He flopped down on his back and I went into his bathroom, looking for something. Max's room must have good luck for me because I found exactly what I wanted sitting beside the sink. Filling the glass almost all the way with water I took it back into the bedroom only to find Max past out. I rolled my eyes at him but set the water down on his night side table before looking in the cabinet in the bathroom. Finding two Advil I brought them out and set them neck to the water. On a random piece of paper I jot down a few simple words, "Take these. PS the pain is your fault" and left it under the glass of later and pills. Straightening out my dress I turn to leave when a hand grasp onto the white clothing.
"Don't go." Max mumbled. Sitting down on the edge of the bed beside him I waited for hi to tell me why he stopped me. But he stayed silent, signally that he was asleep again. With a soft smile I brushed the hair away from his eyes, standing up and leaning down to place a light kiss on his forehead and left with a soft,
"Good night Max." He didn't stop me this time, only mumbling something before I left, quietly shutting the door.

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