*peter imagine*

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Peter imagine for _kytmo_
Kytmo watched in horror as her family was shot. Their bodies lay lifeless on the ground, and it was all because of her being divergent. Yes that's right she was divergent, between Dauntless, candor and erudite. She turned to find whoever shot them. Peter! Kytmo had kinda had a small little huge crush on him since the capture the flag game.

The simulation changed, now she was in a room between two people. One had a gun trained to your head and the other was tied down to a chair.

"Kill him or you die," said a anonymous voice as a bullet clicked into place. Kytmo slowly raised her arm and aimed the gun at the innocents chest, who looked at her with pleading eyes. It just a simulation, its not real she told herself. He is not really going to die. Its all fake.

Kytmo turned your head. Finger curled around the trigger.


The body crumpled up on the floor. She began stressing. I just ended someone's life. She thought to herself. Its just a simulation. She told yourself over and over again. Kytmo could feel her heartbeat slowing down...

Before she knew it she were back in the weird seat thing with four next to her. Kytmo's eyes weld up with tears. But she wouldn't let then fall. She could not afford to cry in front of the trainer.

"Do you have any idea how long that took you," four asked. Oh no this is bad, I stayed in there for too long I am gonna be kicked out of dauntless. Kytmo thought. Without thinking it through she got up and ran thought a doors. Not caring about all the eyes watching her. She just kept on running till she got to the dorms.

To Kytmo's dismay Peter was already there. She had just wanted to be alone, so no one would see her cry and think that she was weak, And out of all the people it just had to be Peter there. This day had already been bad and now she was crying in front of her crush. Damn it!

Kytmo sat on her bed with her back facing peter, who was doing something who knows what. She put her face in her hands and cried.

After about 5 minutes of silent crying kytmo felt the thin matress dip down as someone sat down next to her. Curious she looked up to see who is was. Al! That's weird all has never talked to me!

"Why are you crying?" He asked

"Its nothing," She was not ready to tell anyone about you doing badly and probably not going to make it into dauntless.

"Well, it has to be something, you don't just cry for know reason.

"I am just stressing about rankings," it was half the truth.

"Same here," Al replied he pulled Kytmo into a hug which was just what you needed. All had always liked Kytmo. He felt like he was in heaven

Kytmo wrapped her arms around him. The two of them just sat there. This is kinda awkward kytmo thought. She opened your eyes, to see a rather angry peter. He looked like he was ready to kill someone.

"Al, I would go if I was you," she whispered to him.

"Why?," he asked

"Peter looks like he wants to kill you," at this al looked up, his face went pale. Kytmo couldn't blame him a angry peter was very scarery. Al got up and left without a word.

Peters P.O.V. (this is becoming very long :)

I had collected the few flowers I could find in the compound, to make a bouquet for kytmo. I had liked her since the moment she jumped of that train. She was driving me crazy. So I decided to tell her how I felt with a bouqet of flowers. This is it I thought and spun around to give her the flowers, only to see her hugging Al. Aghhhhh! This is not what was supposed to happen....

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