Chapter One

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Hola people! What's up? Anywho, the pic up above is Lucidias' wolf. I'm sorry about the eyes... I had to add the color and it turned out kinda awkward. Anyways ENJOY THE STORY. AND TTYL <3.



"Alpha Wolfe, we have a situation at the border." Clarissa, my beta, says urgently.

"Which border, Clar?" I ask in a bored tone.

"The northwestern border." She replies uneasily.

My eyes widen noticbly.

"Are they rouges?"

"Yes ma'am."

"I will head there with five other fighters. I need you to arrange a meeting with Alpha Roland. If we have rouges, then they must have a crap ton of attacks." How did those stupid rouges find the one part of the border that isn't connected with the Greymoon territory?

Well maybe because its supposedly unclaimed territory, my wolf, Winter, snapped.

Winter, we're going on a run in a few.


I mentally rolled my eyes at her and rose from my throne. I nodded at Clarissa and walked towards the pack house training room.

I walked into our excessively large training room, to see it filled with about 20 of my warriors.

"Thea, Grace, Hannah, Jessica, and Sara come with me. We are going to the northwestern border where rouges have been spotted." Some girls looked at me with wide eyes.

WAIT, SINCE WHEN DO ROUGES KNOW WHERE THE BORDER IS?! Sara yelled though the pack link.

I honestly don't know, but we are going to find out. I say back.


We raced through the dense woods in our wolf forms. When I had first shifted, the other wolves had given me weird looks. I have a pure white wolf with pure gold markings all over my back and glowing purple eyes. Thea is a chestnut colored wolf, Grace is auburn, Hannah and Jessica, whom are identical twins, are grey, and Sara is dark brown.

It took about an hour and a half to get to the northwestern border, but the moment we got close the scent of Greymoon wolves hit me like a ton of bricks.

THIS ISN'T A ROUGE ATTACK! I yelled through the mind link.

Yeah, they smell like the Greymoon pack, Thea replies.

Move in ladies! I order.

I spot some of the border patrol fighting them off. And I shifted. I grabbed clothes from the multiple secret stashes we have, threw them on, and stepped out. Almost immediately all my wolves were at attention, the Greymoon wolves still snapping at the air.

"What are you doing on my pack land? Are you from Greymoon?"

Two of the wolves shifted an pulled on clothes that were tied to their legs. My warriors blushed and adverted their eyes but a few, like Sara, were ogling at the boys. One came up to me and tried to grab my hand to kiss it, but I retracted it quickly.

"I am future Beta Watson, of the Greymoon pack. We are here on future Alpha Graysons' command." The future Alpha's name sent shivers down my spine," He wanted to know what was beyond the border. Who knew that we would find a bunch of pretty ladies." He said, chuckling.

"Well Beta, you should have thought about how you worded that last sentence. We will escort you and your warriors into our prison until your Alpha comes for you."

He gave me an incredulous look, "What? Why would you do that?"

"Well for one, you trespassed on our territory. And second, you disrespected the Alpha." I said with a smirk.

"You can't keep us! We are high rankers and unless your a higher rank, which you obviously aren't, you can't take us!" He fought back.

"Oh but, I obviously am a higher rank, Beta." I spat back. "You will respect an Alpha. Or serve the punishments."

Some of their wolves were snapping at my border patrol. Beta Watson growled at me then shifted, the sound of clothes shredding filled the air.

Well that was disrespectful, wasn't it Winter?

Um, yeah, why are you still in human form?


"They are in their cells and I have contacted Alpha Roland. He called a meeting for Friday at noon. His son and heir will be there as well. So, I suggest you should mask your scent and block your wolf and nose, Luce" Clarissa says with amusement laced into her voice at the end.

I sigh and roll my eyes. The precautions I have to take are drastic, but when you don't want a mate as much as me, you do whatever it takes to keep yourself hidden.

"Tell him okay and thanks. Also, har har har, very funny Clar. I jus-"

"Need to keep the pack safe." Clarissa interrupts,"I have heard it a thousand times but I think a mate would help you loosen up! "

I roll my eyes again. "Whatever, go away, I need a bath." I state. "Stupid Beta" I mumble under my breath.

Clarissa walks out of my room, snickering into her hand.

First chapter! Well that took forever!


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