Chapter 6

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Liam's POV

I wake up in the morning with Zayn, Niall and Harry asleep in the chairs in my hospital room. "Where's Louis?" I ask. Niall shoots his head up. "What?" He asked. "I asked where's Louis?" I asked once again. "Oh he left to get his phone he forgot it when he left and he didn't want to leave in the middle of the night." Niall said. I nodded. I looked at the clock 9:37 am. I get up and get my bag that's sitting on the table. I walk into the bathroom and change. Then I lay back in my in my hospital bed. Just then the nurse comes in with the officers. "Mr. Payne the officers are here to ask you a few questions." The nurse told me. "OK." I say back. "Could you come with us to the other room to talk?" They ask me. "Sure." I say. I get up and follow them to the room down the hall.

"Please sit." The officer says. I sit down on the chair by the table. "Do you have any evidence or idea who this could be?" The officer asks as he pulls out a note pad. "Um yea. Right before I was shot I went up into my bedroom to charge my phone. When I got up their, there was a note on the window." I say. "Do you have the note with you?" They ask. "No I do not. I set it on the table in the living room before I was shot." I say. "Well is it okay if you and your band mates leave for a day or so? We want to do an investigation to see if they left any fingerprints on the window or the note." 'Yea that would be okay." I say back to them. "Okay well is it okay if you leave after a little while after you get home? We don't want it to happen again tonight or anything so, after you leave we will be their in about two hours." They say. "Okay I will tell the boys." I say. "Just one more thing. Do you know who it could be who shot you?" "No I really don't they said I hurt someone near and dear to their heart but I can't think of anything I hurt." I say. "Well do you think it could be someone?" They ask back. "Um maybe but the only person I could think I hurt was my friend Harry or my ex Danielle. Me and her broke up a month ago." I tell them. "Well we will look more into that. Your free to leave." They say. I get up and walk back to my hospital room.

"Okay guys they have to do an investigation on the house so we have to leave for a night. We have about two hours after we leave to pack and find a hotel room to stay at." I tell them. "Okay lets get moving then!" Niall says while he claps his hands together. I'm glad that Harry forgave me. Niall and Zayn still believe he wants to go solo. We all get up and check out of the hospital. Then we get in the car. Louis drives us home. When we get home we immediately start packing. Every one is going crazy trying to pack for the night. I pretty much was packed so I look for a hotel room. I find one that has two bunk beds and a cot thing. It's pricey but we can all chip in. I make the reservation.

"Okay guys I made the reservation!" I yell from my room. Then they scream 'okay' or 'whatever' back.

Louis' POV

"Ugh wheres my black beenie?" Harry asks me rummaging throught his closet in his room. I walk over to my closet and take it out. "Sorry Harry I really wanted to take it cause it smells like you." I say blushing. "It's okay." He says with a smirk on his face. "What?" I ask as he is in full blown in a laugh attack. "It's cute how you take my things and wear my clothes. It just makes me laugh I don't know why." He says. "Well Harry I really do love you. But I have one question." I say to him. "Yea what is it?" "Well what will Simon say when we tell him were in a relationship again? Will he take it wawy from us again? Will he kick us out of the band? Will he ju-" I get interupted by Harry. "Babe don't worry we will always be together no matter what they do or say." He says with a smile. "I guess we should set up an appointment for Simon." I say. "I'll call Simon when we get to the hotel." Harry says.

Liam's POV

"IS EVERYONE READY? THE POLICE OFFICERS ARE HERE TO CHECK EVERYTHING OUT!" I scream to them up stairs. Just then I hear foot steps and screams and pushing and shoving. Will they ever grow up? "Will you guys ever grow up?" I ask. "FOREVER YOUNG!!!!!!" Louis screams. "God Louis!" Zayn says. We all hop in the car as Harry drives. This is gonna be a long way to the hotel.

Sorry for the lameo chapter!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! LOve you my mangos 


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