Chapter 2: Not as Easy as it Seems

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When the fire began to die, we decided to finally go upstairs to my room to wind down for the night. All of us were tired from the last, and rather eventful, few hours. Mom and Dad went to bed with only nervous glances at the brothers and not much else. Since I was the one who brought them into the house, my room was nominated as the bedroom of choice.

"Aw, yes! Sleepover!" Mikey pumped his fists as we came to the top of the stairs.

"How can you still have so much energy?" Donatello yawned.

"Bruh, how can you not? This is the first sleepover we've ever been to!" He exclaimed happily as he jumped down the only hallway on the second floor. "Is that your room?" He asked as we came to the door. It was the only closed door in the hall, the bathroom was the only other room and its door was wide open—he figured that I didn't sleep in there.

"Who else's do you think it is?" Raph snapped.

"I don't know, a brother's or something." He stuck his tongue out at him. "Do you have a brother?"

"Yes I do, but he's not here right now. He's stuck at my grandma's house." I smiled at his bright blue eyes and freckled cheeks.


"Yeah, everybody's kinda snowed in at the moment." I flicked on the switch and busied myself with turning off the dormer light that was left on when I ran to save the brothers.

"Oh my gosh, your bed is so comfortable." Raph sighed, splayed out on the bed with a smile.

"Yeah?" I chuckled as Leo and Donatello climbed sleepily up onto the bed.

"Yeah." He exhaled in satisfaction.

"Ooh," Mikey shivered and rubbed his arms. "It's kinda cold in here."

"Well, it looks like you boys are in luck," I smiled and walked over to my closet and dramatically threw open the door. "It just so happens that I'm the Hoodie Queen."

"Really?" Mikey gasped as I stepped away from in front of it. He looked up at the closet with sparkling eyes and smiled. "That one! The orange one!" He pointed at the hoodie excitedly and started doing a little happy dance when I took it off of its hanger.

"It's a little big for you..." I said, holding it up to him.


Well alright then. I shrugged and helped him into it. Mikey was so excited that he could barely contain it.

"Orange Crush," He looked down at the logo on the hoodie once it was on. "I love that soda!" He exclaimed, wildly waving the sleeves of the hoodie.

"May I wear the blue one please?" Leo asked politely. I nodded with a grin and looked back at the other two as I got a blue hoodie from the closet.

"Red." Raph said groggily, barely able to keep his eyes open.

"Donatello?" I asked expectantly.

"Huh?" He looked at me, snapping back to reality from space. "Oh, purple please. And you can call me Donnie." He yawned. "Donatello is a mouthful, so we just shorten it."

I walked over to my bed and handed out the sweatshirts to the very sleepy turtles sitting on it. All were yawning or almost falling over form exhaustion except for Mikey—who was looking at the posters on my walls. As I was helping Donnie find his hands in the sweatshirt, I saw, from the corner of my eye, Mikey creep over to the opposite side of the bed and crouch behind Raph with a dark and mischievous grin on his face. All of the other boys were completely oblivious as to where their brother was and I was the only one who could see him. If he was going to do what I thought he was doing, then this would definitely not end well.

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