Chapter 3: Home Safe and Sound

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The boys stayed until the snow melted enough to drive, which ended up to be about five days. Donnie said that they'd be able to catch a plane without much trouble if they were able to keep a low profile. That puzzled and worried me at the same time, but they reassured me that it was possible with a few ball caps, backpacks (to disguise their shells), some baggy clothing, and a cool head. So with a trip to the store for them and print out tickets, they were set.

"Thank you so much for helping us and opening up your home to us." Leo bowed respectfully to me when we arrived at the airport.

"You're welcome here anytime." I said with a smile.

"We can't thank you enough." Donnie smiled from under his hat.

"We'll miss you." Mikey said and hugged my waist.

"And I'll miss you too." I said and lifted up his chin to see his freckled face. "Contact me when you get home, I want to make sure you get back safely." I looked up at Donnie and said in a more serious tone.

"You got it." He winked. We'd exchanged e-mails and given him my phone number before we'd arrived.

"You boys better get goin', your plane starts boarding pretty soon." I sighed.

"Yeah, it's good to be a there a few minutes before boarding." Donnie said. They all looked up at me and all came up and hugged me; I squatted down and wrapped my arms around them.

"Be safe." I said quietly, sending it up as a prayer as well.

"Leo," I said as we broke and cupped his face in my hands. "Remember, be brave and don't ever think that you have to be fearless because of being a leader." My eyes began burn as a lump crawled up in my throat. "If you remember anything about me, remember that." Leo nodded as his blue eyes sparkled in the bleak winter sunlight. I turned to Raph

"Raphael, it's okay to cry," I chuckled. "You shouldn't keep things in for too long or they'll break you down. It's not healthy." I smiled and wiggled the bill of his cap.

"Mikey, keep an eye on your brothers for me." I winked.

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