Leaving Platform 9 3/4

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Chapter 2

Albus's POV

"I wonder how Lily is handling, I bet you 5 Galleons she is crying about not going to Hogwarts this year, since she is still only 10." Said Rose.

"So where should we sit?" I asked James as we walked past Scorpius who looked like he was up to no good. "How about here, with dad's friend Luna's daughter Jamie." Jamie looked just like her mum with her wand behind her ear and reading this months edition of "The Quibbler".

"Hey Jamie, how have you been none of us have seen each other in a while?"I asked politely. "Oh well now that you mention it me my Grandad Xeniphilious and me mum all went on an expedition to find the Crumple Horned Snorkak." Said Jamie." Well!" Said Rose with extra emphasis on it." After all of the magical history in that time period with Voldemort"( - Hugo let out a shriek of terror at the name "oh come on Hugo he is dead for god sake, and its not like you were alive then!)

"You still seriously believe that rubbish?!?" "Yes as a matter of fact I do." said Jamie rather loudly. "Your parents Hermione and Ron never believed in the Crumple Horned Snorkak anyways." she said with a smirk and then oddly burst out laughing. "Why are you laughing so hard, Jamie?"said James.

"It's just whats is the point in arguing over this? I mean, are parents were the best of friends, so will be to! Also just sit down we are are already halfway to Hogwarts, don't forget to change into your robes." She said still slightly laughing.

"As a matter of fact I already did." stated Rose.

"Hey the food trolley is here guys, And since their is so many of us lets just have the lot! said James to the little witch pushing the trolley.Then paying 17 Galleons, 9 Sickles ,and a Knut (the Knut of which the witch pushing the trolley generously ignored.) James took a Chocalate Frog and ate it, then looking at the card. Which said



Albus Dumbledore is a widely known wizard for his defeat of Gellert Grindlewald in 1945, for his work discovering the 12 uses of dragon blood and his work with the only known maker of the sorcerers stone Nicholas Flamel.

Dumbledore,Grindlewald and Flamel are deceased as of 1997 (Albus)

2005 (Grindlewald)


"This is a Different version of the card Dad showed me." said James curiously.

"Yeah your right. But my favorite part is still the moving photograph." I said taking a Handful of licorice wands into my fist.

"Hey were here and their is Hagrid waiting to escort us on the boats!" shouted Rose over excitedly. They exited the Hogwarts express and heard Hagrid yelling "Firs' years over hear!!! Firs' years!!!" "Hello Hagrid" said Teddy who was just exiting the

Train with an odd shade of Sky Blue hair today.

"Doesn't the castle look beautiful in the light?" Rose asked Hugo earnestly.

"Yeah... most definitely."said Hugo absent mindedly who just spotted the giant squid on their boat ride.

They finally reached the dock and got off the boats. Headmistress McGonagall was awaiting them.

"Welcome first years to Hogwarts School Of Witchcraft and Wizardry, you will be sorted into one of the four houses. Gryffindor, Ravenclaw, Hufflepuff, and Slytherin."said McGonagall.

"I want to be in Slyth- "

"-erin Yes we know that Mr.Malfoy Finished Proffesor Mcgonagall."

"Now on with the sorting!!!!" She then said.

Sitting on a three legged stool at the end of the Great Hall was an old frayed patched up wizards hat.

Then most suddenly it sprang to life and the majority of the first years pronounced "ooooh" 's and "aaaaahh"s

And then the sorting had begun.

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