Yet He Isn't

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* First Poem of Mockingjay Set Poem Trilogy *

I wake up, each time believing he is here.

Yet he isn't

I search for him as I walk the dark halls hoping I might see his blonde hair curls.

Yet I can't

I sit, being forced to be the voice wanting him to be by my side.

Yet he can't

I plead in bed for his presence to help the nightmares go away.

Yet he can't

I cry, wanting to him be rescued right now.

Yet he can't

I stare into space, wanting so badly to be staring into his bright blue eyes.

Yet I can't

I reach out in front of me absentmindedly, wishing that I will contact with his warm embrace.

Yet he isn't there

I stand imagining his presence next to me because that's all I can do for now.

We can't be together

Because we're distances apart.

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