The Adventure

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I got to the park and I looked around for Mayflower, but she was no where to be found. Then suddenly she pounces on me laughing so hard she was crying. " HAHAHAHAHAHA!" Roared Mayflower. " GAHHHH!" Screamed Akita." What the heck May!" " Sorry Keeta, but I have the best idea ever!" "Oh ya, and what is that May." " We should go...... ON AN ADVENTURE! INTO THE FORBIDDEN FOREST!"  I squeaked with terror. " NO!" " Wha-why not! " There is a reason why it is called the forbidden forest, Its creatures are v-vile!" " Fine, but were doing something ok? Your becoming queen soon!" Fine you want to go into the forest lets go! "All right!" We walked to the forest in blissful glee and nervous excitement. I however I so nervous and skeptical of this "adventure" but she told me we would be fine, so I listened. We got to the edge of the forest and I was shaking so badly I did not notice that my entire paw was black and my claws were shaper. I gasped but quickly hid my paw under some leaves. I hoped and prayed she did not notice, and she did not. We walked in and the world around us was instantly dark and morbid as we saw horrendous sights. Mutilated corpses of wild life was strung in the trees and bone were sticking out from the earth In every direction. "Oh my Lupis...." I said in terrified astonishment. " Ignore it and keep going." I thought she was crazy, but it was odd she was not normally like this, she was spunky but not to high strong like she was being right now. I was puzzled and silent till I saw it. A big black wolf staring at us, following us from the cover of darkness. " Umm May we should leave, like right now." " Aww come on lets keep going, what are you afraid of?!" I did not want to give away the fact I knew he was there. " What you mean besides the corpses strung from every other tree branch." " NO LET'S KEEP GOING!" "Alright fine let's keep going." I was terrified of her, but the more I thought the more I realized this was not her, this is something evil. I ran away from my "best friend" loathing to snap her out of it. But she ran right at me. (" oh Lupis") I thought. She jumped on me and started rambling in Arabic or something, but she was attacking me at full force. I used all of my energy to get her off me, and then ran for my life to the exit. But she pinned me again and her eyes were red, her fur black, her wings resembling that of a bats. Then I knew. She was infected by Slith. I beat her off one more time and ran out of the forest and not stopping till I was at the castle. I was panting so hard I didn't see Greenfang walk up behind me. "Are you ok Akita?" " Huh, oh no, no I'm not ok and neither is Mayflower." I spoke in between breathes. " What do you mean Akita?" Then I passed out.           

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 27, 2015 ⏰

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