Chapter Two

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{song for this chapter: into the wild by Lewis Watson}

"So, whats your story?"

Harry and I sat in the rusty baby blue pickup truck with the crusting paint. I sped down the gravel road with Harry in passenger side. I could feel his confused gaze set on me.

"Story? What do you mean by that?" He asked.

"Life story. You know. Whats your past? Where'd you grow up? Blah blah blah. The basics." I explained, switching concentration from the road to Harry.

He took a deep breath and ran a hand through his hair.

"Nothing really. Grew up in the west side of London. Not the best place. I had a mum and a dad. Not anymore. Kinda died of natural causes. That's really it." He summed up solemnly.

"What are you doing in the states? Business? Vacation?" I asked.

"A bit like that. I enjoy traveling. New place, new people, new tastes, new smells. I feel like when I travel, to all these different places, I'm a new me. Like theres the London me, the Paris me, the Moscow me, and so on. And I feel like where ever I go, I start with a new slate. It's a bit mad, but I enjoy. I've been staying in the states for about four years now." He explained with a grin.

I smiled. I liked the way Harry saw things. It reminded me of myself. I've always yearned to travel. Honestly as far from Grace Dew as possible.

"I like the way you see things Styles." I laughed. He chuckled a bit as well.

"Okay, so thats my story. Whats yours?" Harry asked.

I laughed a bit but lost the urge.

"I was born and raised in Grace Dew. My mom was a cool chick, I mean I thought so. Apparently my dad didnt. He left when I was a baby and when my brother, Sam, was three and my other brother, Reece, was five. We didnt have a lot of money. I mean my mom worked hard and as soon Reece could, he did. But I think I was thirteen when Sam killed himself. Reece fucking lost it man. Like he ran away. He begged me to come but I didn't know what to do. So I sticked with my mom. I honestly wasnt surprised when my brother killed himself. He would have the worst mood swings. I would have to lock myself in my room and hide in the corner because I knew he was coming to hurt me. But he was in pain. I guess."

Harry was silent. I was silent. He didnt know what to say and wouldn't blame him. That's my life story and its not a pretty one. But Im not afraid to hide it. That's reality. It's not pretty.

"So my mom went ballistic. She pretty much stopped communicating with me. She went to a psych ward a few months after. So I was shipped off to live with my grandma. So yea." I finished up.

"Im sorry." Was all Harry could mutter out.

"It's fine. I mean whatcha gonna do." I shrugged.

"God, I feel spoiled with my normal childhood." He chuckled lightly.

I couldn't help but crack a laugh. I could feel the weight lift off his shoulders.

"So where's your car supposed to be?" I asked, turning harshly.

"It should be right here...." Harry trailed off.

I pulled the truck to a stop and got out. The suns heat pounding on my shoulders. I squinted my eyes and looked around. Nothing. I turned around and ran right into Harry, who some how made it silently behind me.

"Oh! Sorry!" I laughed awkwardly.

He couldn't contain the smirk that spread across his face. And this resulted in a well earned smack. He chuckled.

"Get back in the car. I'll book you a room in the Inn. Cause honestly sweat is not an attractive thing my friend." I joked.

"Oh so we're friends now?" Harry grinned, getting into the passenger seat.

"Unfortunately, yes." I groaned.

He laughed as I started the ignition. We drove and kid and listened to the cheap music the radio played. It was nice to have someone with my kind of mind to talk to. Everyone here was all "cows" and wasn't really a very educated person.

I pulled into the Inn and parked in the garage. Harry and I both popped out and was met by a very flustered Ma-Maw.

"Im gonna ask two questions and I better get two straight answers, Ellie. Question one, where on Earth did you go? And question two, who the hell is this." Ma-Maw pointed a harsh finger at Harry but her glare still piercing me.

"Um...I went to go get some milk. And I ran into my friend, Harry, from school. He needed a place to stay, so I offered he could stay at the Inn. So I brought him here." I sheepishly smiled.

Ma-Maw looked at me then Harry. Her eyes beating on both of us. Her beady eyes suddenly lighten and embraced Harry in a large hug.

"Lovely to see ya, honey." Ma-Maw beamed.

She pulled away and squished me and Harry together.

"Ooh aint he got a pretty face." She giggled to her self.

I rolled my eyes. Only Ma-Maw could make every situation as awkward as she was making it.

"Your one to talk." Harry smirked.

Ma-Maw couldn't stop the red the bloomed from her cheeks.

"Oh hush now!" She giggled, "go get him in his room, Ellie."

And with that I dragged Harry into the Inn.


"Okay here's a robe and some towels, because I seriously hope you shower like please you smell like shit. And we get a lot of good stations, I personally love MTV. And if you get hungry call room service."

Harry laughed as he took the towels and robe from my hands. We stood in his one bed room. The bed had off-white painted walls and a small television. It was connected to a small bathroom and in the corner closest to the bathroom was a tiny table. It was sustainable and I would be pleased. So I figured Harry would enjoy the room.

"Thank you, El." He smiled at me.

"Can I have my tip now." I asked grinning.

"No. You must earn a tip. I can't just go around giving people tips thats like bloody crime. In a way." He crinkled his eye brows, rethinking his new found theory. I just laughed.

"Night Harry." I said opening the door to leave.

"Sweet dreams El!" He called behind me.

I smiled as I shut the door behind me. That boy is something else. It takes a lot for me to smile.

I returned to the front desk and laid my head down. I was tired. But I couldn't go to bed for another hour because thats when my shift ends. So I would have to manage.

The phone began to buzz and I nearly jumped in the air. I groggily and grumpily answered.

"Room service, how may I help you?"

"El. Hey El. El."

Harry sounded like a child. God, it was annoying.

"Yes Harry?"

"Can you come to my room?" He asked.


"Because I want to see your face."

"That's a wonderful reason."

"I know. So will you?"

I groaned.

"Be up in a bit." I sighed, giving in.

"Thaaaaaank yoooooou." He sang into the phone.

"Yea yea yea." I said.

I hung up the phone and laughed to myself. This boy was something else.

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