My first badge

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Once again you show up. You stand and watch what true power is. But your judging eyes focusing on me, it makes my blood run cold. Why do you stare at me in such a manner? Your dark blue watching my every move like a serviper watching its prey. I finish my battle, successful yet you still question my style. You make me stay and watch your friend, ash, he will never meet my strength. I sit and watch, avoiding all form of contact.

Hmph weak as usual. I get up to leave but you follow. My snide remarks enrage you....yet, the anger in your expression, the burning in your eyes..makes me question my approach, but only slightly. It makes think..

Then you show up as I'm giving away that pathetic azumarill. You scold me, you and ash yell at me. It infuriates me. Stick your nose out of my business! I can't get your emotions out of my mind, your reactions still fill my brain....

Why are you doing this too me...

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