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Joonmyun stays the night. He calls and tells his parents that he's over at a friend's. Someone named Baekhyun. Sehun doesn't care what excuse he gives them, he's just happy the Joonmyun is sitting next to him on the bed. Sehun's parents promise not to tell anyone that he's been over. They promise to make sure he gets over to his house safely and as discreet as possible. After they leave, Sehun's arms wrap around Joonmyun tightly.

They stay up almost all night. They do all the things that Sehun wishes he could have done years ago. He finally shows Joonmyun his truck. The batteries are dying down and the siren isn't as cool as it was eight years ago but they still have a good time transporting drinks to each other. They play on the XBOX for a few hours and beat the other teams they play against. It's a great feeling and Sehun takes advantage of brushing up against Joonmyun as much as he can.

When they get ready for bed around five in the morning, Sehun snuggles up to Joonmyun's side. The older one plays with his hair and his breath tickles Sehun's forehead. They both have a heavy blush against their cheeks and each time they look at each other, it thickens.

"What made you come over?"

Joonmyun shrugs and licks his lips, looking at Sehun with a smile. "I'm eighteen, almost nineteen. I can't let my parents control me forever, you know. Besides.. like I said. I really like you. I'm not going to let them ruin this."

Sehun's cheeks begin to hurt from smiling so much. He leans over and takes the risk of pressing his lips to Joonmyun's. It doesn't come with any consequences and Joonmyun kisses back. His hand runs down the curve of Sehun's back, fingers gripping at his tank top. They kiss for a good half an hour but nothing more. There's no wandering hands that go too low or sneak under clothing. It's pure and gentle, just like he imagined it to be.


Their relationship develops at a steady pace. There's only kisses and small touches for the first month. Sehun's completely okay with it because he doesn't even know how to go any further. He's scared to. Joonmyun is his first and only friend from the outside world and he didn't want to mess it up. He's wondered if Joonmyun has had any experience dating at school. He had never mentioned it to Sehun but he didn't have to. Sehun was nervous that he might be bad at whatever they would do next. He didn't want to disappoint Joonmyun.

During the second month, Joonmyun starts spending the night more. He stays over every Saturday night. By then he's gotten all his homework done and he can relax with Sehun. Sehun's mother starts smiling and asking about Joonmyun's life at dinners and breakfasts. He's seen plenty of movies and dramas where the teenager hates when their parent talk to their partners but Sehun doesn't mind it one bit. He likes to hear them converse.

Things go amazingly for the couple. Sehun couldn't be happier. But he sense something is off when he catches his mother talking to Joonmyun after dinner. They both have worried looks on their faces when Sehun peeks around the corner of the hallway. He presses his back against the wall and bites his lip so no sounds come out of his mouth.

"I think my parents are starting to suspect something, Mrs. Oh. I don't want to get your family in trouble."

"Joonmyun, it's not us you have to worry about. If you feel something is wrong, it's probably best that you stay away for a while."

"I'm worried about Sehun though. I really don't want to hurt him."

Sehun's face scrunches up and his lips press together tightly. He crosses his arms and stomps upstairs. He thought Joonmyun was over worrying about his parents. He huffs and sits down in the bed, waiting for his boyfriend to come upstairs so he can talk to him about it.

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