Little Boys (Ch. 5)

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(A/N: Just imagine the cuteness as you read :3)

John awoke to a soft prodding on his shoulder.

He groaned and frowned with closed eyes, shooing away the annoying, persistent hand and turning away onto his other side.

A giggle.

"Johnny?" A soft, sweet voice asked.


John blinked his tired eyes open. He was greeted by the dusk-ish setting outside the window.

How long was he asleep?

John then glanced over his shoulder to see Paul on his knees, looking down at him with those big eyes.

"Awake now?" Paul grinned, small lines forming around his eyes.

John noticed his teeth were a bit crooked, yet white. His mum must make him brush them well.
"Am now" John growled and sat up, bringing his knees together and rubbing his eyes with his small fists.

"'S late. Mimi came in a minute ago and told me 'm sleeping over" Paul smiled widely.

"Really?!" John nearly shrieked with pure joy, now very much awake..

Christ, he hasn't felt this happy since mum bought him that new bike.

"We can play now!" John laughed and stood up, jumping on his bed. He pulled the younger boy up by his elbows and bounced with him, laughing.

"Yay! Yay! Yay!" Child-instincts poured out of John as he hopped and twirled around his bed.

Both boys stopped jumping and nearly cringed when they heard the loud, stern voice erupt from downstairs.

"Boys!! Stop jumping!"

John put a finger up to his lips and made a small 'hushing' noise to Paul, who giggled softly and nodded his head.

"What do we do now?" Paul whispered.

"Hm..." John tapped on his chin. Oh! He was so exciting! He and Paul would never sleep! They have too much to do!

"Ah!" John gasped as he a thought crossed his head.

The record player...

"Wait 'ere!" John said sternly and raced out of the room.

Paul sat still patiently as he looked around the room, a small smile tugging at his lips. He was already having lots of fun here. He didn't think he would at all and now he never wanted to leave...

John came back into the room with a large, silver record player in his hands, a small stack of records being balanced on top and slightly sliding off.

He set the heavy-looking record player onto the ground and sighed, looking up at Paul with a grin.

"Do ya know what this is?" John asked, kneeling next to the giant thing.

Paul has. There is one in his home that his daddy often plays soft music while sitting in his usual armchair, having his quiet time in which Paul does not disturb. Paul knows not to touch daddy's stuff, though he was always curious...

"I have one" Paul answered.

"Well, these things make music! They're such wonders!" John let his fingers slide over the smooth surface.

"I love music"

"Me too" Paul agreed. He loved the sounds of his daddy's piano and the smooth jazz that he often played at home. the sounds were so alluring and sweet to his young ears.

"Pick a record" John pointed to the records and separated them, letting Paul have a closer look at each.

Paul could just barely read the records, looking at each one curiously.





Paul said softly to himself. What strange names.

"This one" He finally pointed to a record with three women on it, it was labeled,

Andrew sisters- rum and coca cola

John placed the record on the record player gracefully, it was obvious he had used this record player dozens of times.

The beautiful sound began to play swiftly with light harmonies of the three women as Paul and John listened intently.

John loved this song! His mum would often play it while she cooked, dancing around the kitchen, dress flying around and all.

John sang softly and soon Paul joined in, creating harmonies amongst the two of them.

John began to laugh in joy.

He loved Paul.


There goes that word again! But what does it mean?

John frowned as he watched his younger friend close his eyes blissfully, singing along and oblivious to his surroundings.

He couldn't quite figure it out...

After the boys listened to practically all the records, fairly surprised Mimi hadn't stormed into the room, demanding they shut that off, they crept downstairs silently.

"Mimi?" John whispered softly.

He peeked over the couch to see that his aunt had fallen asleep, head laid back and book her hands, snoring.

"She snores" Paul snickered from behind John.

And instead of telling him to be silent, John couldn't help but laugh as well.

"Its dark" Paul then pointed out, glancing out the window to see the bright moon and stars sprinkled around.

"We should go outside!" John whisper-yelled.

Paul nodded excitedly at the crazy idea and followed John to the back door, and outside into John's backyard.

John flopped down and patted at the grass next to him, wanting Paul to join him.

They laid side by side and stared up at the stars with curious, glimmering eyes.

"That ones my star. Me and me mum's" John pointed.

"How do ye know 's that one? There 're billions!"

"Its the brightest" John simply said. "Mum likes the brightest"

Paul nodded.

After some silence, John spoke again.

"That one can be your's" John pointed to another star.

"Which one?"

"That one!"

"This one?"

"No, the brighter one!"

"Er... Which?"

John laughed and shook his head.

"Never mind...but at least ye have a star"

"Thanks, Johnny" Paul smiled fondly.

John simply kept silent, then Paul suddenly felt light sprinkles of grass on his face.

"Oh you!-" Paul jumped at John and the two wrestled on the grass, laughing and shouting loudly.

They didn't have a care in the world at the moment, for they were just children.

Nor did they seem to notice the dark shape of a much taller person than the boys emerge from behind them.

The shadow's hands were held in fists and it eyed the two boys hungrily...


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