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"Are you sure about this?" Suzaku, fully clothed as Zero now, asked Nunnally who is seated next to him on the empress's personal transport. His attention were not casted onto the young lady, instead, his eyes were focus onto the ground. His arms were crossed across from his chest, deeply in thought.

"I am," Nunnally replied. "This is the best thing to do, Suzaku. You know about this. My brother might have expected alone that it will be only you. But, those last messages he has... It only means that after you see it for yourself, you need to share it with everyone he might have wronged." The young empress has her attention onto the road though. She smiled faintly. "I can't bear that the people who know his real identity will also be filled with hatred as well."

The drifting clouds outside covers the heat of the sun on its height, as if anytime, it will rain. It is totally the opposite compared to the day her brother had died. The sky is gloomy today but at the death of her brother, the sun shines down, as if to fulfill her brother's dream of a bright future. And somehow, deep down inside Nunnally, she is happy that her beloved brother managed to see the first second of light, of the tomorrow he had made.

When the limo had halted just by the front of the Ashford Academy gymnasium, the two are both aware that there is no turning back now. They'll let everyone see for themselves Lelouch's last message. The only thing that contains the truth, no lies, no betrayals. Just plain and simple truth.

Suzaku moved out of the vehicle and move onto the other side to open up the door for Nunnally. He gently picked her up and let her sit down on her wheelchair that the limo's driver had prepared after the latter parked the vehicle. Outside, Tohdoh and Ohgi were also waiting for them, to welcome the two.

"Your Majesty," greeted Ohgi with a hand offered to Nunnally and a smile. The empress took it for a firm shake. He then turned to Zero and acknowledge him as well. The masked man though just nod at his direction once.

"This way please, Your Majesty. Zero," Tohdoh stated, leading the two with Ohgi to the entryway of the gymnasium.

When the doors opened up, Nunnally and Suzaku were surprised that all of the people that they expected to be in had managed to make it. From the core members of the Black Knights, to the Student Council, to many other people that had been involved primarily with the lives of Lelouch and Suzaku. Everyone who is indeed close to them. Everyone were curious about what is the meaning of this sudden call.

Zero had settled the Empress just by the front, so that everyone could see her presence. The masked man then moves beside her and stand there in any case that she'll need help. Lelouch didn't ask for this, but when Nunnally learned about the message her brother had left, she wanted to do this. Being Zero, Suzaku can't do anything but support Nunnally in any way, just as Lelouch had asked from him.

"I am glad that you all managed to come here. I'm sorry that it has been a very short notice. But I am happy. My brother... might also be happy about this," Nunnally stated.

A sudden change in the mood of the room sprouted when the young empress had acknowledged her brother, the Demon Emperor, the Zero who had lied to all of the Black Knights, the Lelouch Lamperouge who have killed innocent lives.

But the empress didn't let it linger and disregards it. Instead, she turned to Suzaku and then ordered, "Zero, please."

Zero nodded at her direction and said, "Yes." He then moved behind Nunnally's wheelchair and pushed it next to Cornelia who is seated among the front rows as well. The masked man then moves away from a moment and to the corner where a projector was set up.

"What is this about, Nunna?" Cornelia asked, who was also confused as the rest of those who have gathered.

"This is the truth," Nunnally simply answered as light flickers to the projector and a video started playing.

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