5. Kissed

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My mind was a whirlwind as his lips met mine. I was consumed by a rush of giddiness, and it spread through me like wildfire.

Bloody 'ell, Oli is an amazin' kisser. Like, proper amazing. And 'e's blimin' beautiful, too.

Two hours later...

As we strolled back into the shop, our hands intertwined, I realized something profound—I no longer felt that sense of loneliness. With Oli by my side, I felt completely at ease. I had never opened up to anyone like this before, sharing my deepest feelings and dreams. And you know what? It felt bloody brilliant to let those emotions out in the open.

But before I could fully process my newfound happiness, chaos erupted. I felt a pair of hands forcefully pushing and shoving their way through the crowd...

What the bloody 'ell was goin' on?!?

I spun around, only to be met with a sea of mostly teenagers gathered outside my shop, screaming and shouting... Oli?

They were chanting his name. And another phrase—I couldn't quite make it out. Bring me the Horizon?

That's why 'e seemed so familiar. Blimey, what 'ave I done?

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