Louis' birthday

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24th of December, 24 years ago today, my hero was born. Happy birthday to the sassiest guy I have ever known. From being this cute little dork to a hottie. Was born Louis Troy Austin, raised with the name Louis William Tomlinson, I love you so much from the bottom of my hypothalamus. I was there since you were a boy that loved girls who eat carrots til now, that you're all grown up, man enough to be a father Can't believe you're 24, but to me, you're always be my 16-year-old boobear who slays everyone and everything. Words can't describe how incredibly amazing you are, you will always be the sass mastah from Doncastah. You are beyond words Louis. There are ain't enough words to sum it all up how in love I am to your every little things. #HappyBirthdayLouis

We hope that this time Harry will tweet him a happy birthday, or even Zayn. We want Zouis back.

Petition for Eleanor, Harry and Zayn to greet boobear a happy birthday.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 03, 2016 ⏰

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