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The lads will take a two year break. Some fans are upset but some are happy for them.

Some fans are upset because they won't be able to hear One Direction music for about two years. I mean, One Direction is known for always having a new album every year.

2010, when they won 3rd spot at the reality tv singing contest X factor UK.

2011, when they released their first ever single What Makes You Beautiful and in November the same year, they release their first album called Up All Night. It debut at the number one spot on U.S Billboard 200

2012, they released their second album called Take Me Home that became a platinum album. It went straight to #1 in UK Charts and US Billboard Hot 100 and U.S Billboard 200. This album was also number one in 37 countries.

2013, they released the 3rd album called Midnight Memories and one of the songs in that album is their single, Story Of My Life. The said song crashed the whole Vevo system and Youtube views. Fans wanted to beat Miley Cyrus' record of We Can't Stop music video that has 22.5M views in just straight 24 hours. And fans made it! They made 25M views in 24hours. Vevo even deleted some views because if they won't, their system would be forever crashed! Fans accused Vevo as a 'retarded idiot who doesn't know how to count' And in the same year, fans decided to have a project to make You & I music video reach 1 Billion views. Vevo deleted the music video in some countries who has its active viewers. Like in the Philippines, Singapore, Japan, Indonesia, and some parts of United States of America. When you try to view it, the youtube says.. 'this video can't be played in your country.' Course, loads of fans got mad. And bashed Vevo's twitter account. "@VEVO DID U KNOW THAT HARRY FROZE WHILE SHOOTING THAT MV BUT HE DIDN'T MIND JUST TO FINISH IT AND U'LL JUST DELETE IT!" A fan says and tweeted a picture of Harry freezing in the set of the music video. Liam tweeted about the deleting thingy. He says there is a little problem but nothing to worry about, the video will be back soon in your countries. Midnight Memories is the best-selling album worlwide of 2013. The album was number one in 91 countries.

In 2014, they released another album called FOUR with underline under it. Because it couldn't just be FOUR without the underline. It debut in no.1 spot in U.K Charts and Billboard 200. And they have awarded as the first band to debut their first four albums in no.1 This album was number one in 150+ countries.

And in this year, 2015. They released Made In The A.M their fifth studio album. Without Zayn. Yes, without Zayn! You read it right, without Zayn. Yes, I am talking about Zayn Malik. Yeah, without him. Some fans thought what does the A.M means. Is it literally made in the morning or, made in the After Malik? We all conclude maybe A.M means After Malik like you know, the album was made after he left. But Liam confirmed it on an interview that A.M on their Made In The A.M album stands for Aftermath. And for those who don't know what aftermath is, Aftermath is an unpleasant event happened. It's just the same, right? After Malik and Aftermath, same thought right? Made in the aftermath, the album was made after those unpleasant things happened. Like Zayn quitting the band! Zayn dissing Louis! Zayn bonding with a pig! Zayn removing 1D on his name! Zayn changing his bio! Zayn signing up a new record label! Zayn leaving his girlfriend just what like he did to the fandom and to Louis.

Nah! Get used to it!

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