Part 18

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Mark's POV

Bob, Wade, and I just got off the plane and we were heading to the hotel. Today is the 24th, Christmas eve. When I got to the room I set my stuff down and unpacked a couple things and then went back down to the lobby were Bob and Wade were waiting. "Common lets go Mark." Wade said smiling. We all got in the car that we rented and drove to my parents house. All of are family's are really close so they decided to have Christmas eve dinner at my parents place and Christmas day would eat at Bob's place. 

When we walked in we could smell the cookies and hear everyone laughing and talking. "MARK!" I was then swarmed with kids hugging me or hanging on me. I fell back on the floor and all the kids were laughing and so was I. When they got up they greeted Bob and Wade,  and hugged them and then went to tell everyone we were here. When we walked in our moms were in the kitchen with a couple of the kids, everyone else was either sitting around the fire place talking or watching our moms making dinner. We walked around saying hi to everyone and catching up with them, then I got stupid questions like 'When are you gonna get a girlfriend or a boyfriend?' I always got annoyed at questions like that.

When I finally saying hi to everyone I stood by the kitchen and checked my phone. No word from Jack yet. Did they not get off the plane yet? I put my phone away and walked around. I passed the dinner room and saw that there were tables added to the end of ours. What? Our table was big enough for all 3 of our family's why would they need to add two more tables? My mom walked by me and put some food on the table. "Hey mom, What's with the extra tables?" She smiled and set everything down. "Everyone's coming." "What do you mean everyone?" She smiled and chuckled a little then left to go get the rest of the food. I pulled out my phone when I heard it ring. It was a text form Jack.

Jack: Hey sorry for not texting earlier but we just got to Felix's place.

Before I could text him back my mom came back and set more food down on the table. "Why don't you help, instead of just standing there." I chuckled and walked into the kitchen and started bringing food to the table. After everything was on the table, I walked back out to the living room. We were waiting for one more thing to be done so all we could do now is just wait.

The door bell went off. "Mark, Bob, Wade! Why don't you get it." We all looked at each other and went to the door. I unlocked the door and opened it. "Merry Christmas!" Everyone shouted. I smiled and let everyone in. It was Cry, Felix, Ken, Minx, Krism, and Jack with there family's. After greeting everyone I walked up to Jack. "So." I chuckled and he giggled. "I convinced everyone to go to the fort after dinner, did you talk to Bob and Wade about it?" I rubbed the back of my neck. "Uh.. no not yet." He rolled his eyes playfully, and walked toward Bob and Wade. They were talking for a bit and then Jack came back. "They thought that was a great idea." He said smiling, making me smile too.

Mom finally had dinner ready and we all sat down. They put Bob, Jack, Me, Wade, and Ken on one side of the table, and Minx, Krism, Felix, and Cry across form us. It was a nice dinner and the whole time we were just talking about video games and YouTube. Felix would complain about some game he should have won, Cry said he once got stuck in a wall during a game and it auto saved him there so he had to restart the whole thing. (That's a true story) I had fun just talking and catching up with everyone.

After dinner we told everyone we'd be back.. Maybe. We walked all the way in the snow to get to the fort. It was a little weird walking there again but it felt great to be there with everyone. When we finally got there everything was untouched. The spray paint still on the walls and Jacks message can still be seen clearly. We all laughed when we saw it again. When we walked in everything was just the same. The pillows still scattered around the floor with broken controlers and the pictures still hung up on the walls. We all walked around and looked at the pictures. Most of them were blurry or we blinked but there were a couple good shots. Wade came up to me and he had a pic in his hand. "What's this?" I said as he handed it to me. It was a picture of me and Jack kissing on the cliff. My eyes went wide. "When was this taken?" I asked a little annoyed. "I don't know I just found it." He said smiling. I laughed a little and gave it back to Wade. I went up to Jack and put my hand on his shoulder. "There's a lot of pictures of us." "Yeah I know" He pulled down a picture of us cuddled up on the couch and we look like were watching a movie or something. "When was this taken, and who was taking it?" He said and we both laughed. I looked at Jack. "Common." I said grabbing Jack's hand and pulling him outside and threw the woods. We were walking in the woods for a little till we saw the cliff. We were still hand in hand as we walked closer to the edge and we saw the city. "So much has changed." Jack said a little sad. "Yeah." I said as I sat down and Jack sat next to me. "The city looks so different covered in snow. I don't think I remember it looking so beautiful." He said giggling. I chuckled and stared out at all the Christmas lights, everything seemed so right.

We started to walk back and on the way were heard Felix shouting. I looked at Jack and we started to run threw the woods till we reached the fort. When we got there no one was round. "GET'EM" Minx yelled as she threw a snowball and got me in the face. Me and Jack were hit with snowballs while we ran behind some trees and made some snowballs and stared to throw them at everyone. Felix tried to come close so we waited till he was close enough and I grabbed him and Jack put a hand full of snow down the back of his hoody. I let him go and watched him run back to were they were. "SURENDER MARKIPLIER AND JACKSEPTICEYE! YOU GUYS ARE OUT NUMBERED! YOU WONT WIN!" Minx shouted. I looked at Jack. We both had wide grins stuck to our faces. "NEVER!" We shouted as we threw more snowballs at them.

After the best snowball fight ever! We were all laying in the snow and looking up at the sky as it started to snow again. I was laying next to Jack and I grabbed his hand then looked at him. We locked eyes and stared at each other. I leaned in and closed the gap. "Awww." everyone said. I heard a couple of cameras on there phones go off. I ended the kiss and looked at everyone staring. "I guess were not the only couple that lasted all these years." Minx said giggling. We all laughed and headed back to my place. Jack and I were still holding hand when we walked in and I guess my mom noticed because she took a picture and was smiling like an idiot. I rolled my eyes and sat on the couch and Jack sat next to me.

Time Skip Christmas Day Opening Presents

We were all gathered around the tree and everyone had a present under it. Jack was next to me and I noticed that he was wearing his locket that I gave him. I smiled when he noticed me staring at him. He blushed and gave me a small box. I looked at him with a raised eyebrow. "Just open it ya doof." I chuckled and unwrapped it. It was a small black box. I looked up at Jack and he looked nervous, I opened the box and it was an exact replica of the locket I gave him. My eyes were wide and I had a stupid smile stuck on my face. "Open it." He said with a smile. So I did, It was the picture that was taken yesterday when we kissed. I hugged him tightly and kissed him. "Thank you. I love it." "I'm glad." I got my gift out of my pocket and handed it to him. It was a small box with a bow on it. "I didn't have enough time to wrap it." He laughed and opened it. He covered his mouth with his hand that stared at it. Everyone was staring at Jack wondering what I got him. "Well... What is it?"  Jack had tears in his eyes and he stared at me. I took the box form him and took the ring out and put it on his finger. "Sorry but I'm not purposing." I said while looking at my mom. "Its a promise ring. I looked Jack in the eyes and held his hand. "Jack do you want to be my boyfriend again." He smiled and hugged me and I whispered "Merry Christmas." in his ear. "I love you so much." Jack said under his breath. "I love you to."

AWW I don't know about you but I am very proud of this chapter. Lol ANYWAY Hope you guys have a Merry Christmas and if you don't celebrate happy holidays hope this made your Christmas better or Holidays better. I am gonna continue the book and idk if I'm goanna do a real purposely in this but idk tell meh what ya think and hope ya liked this And As Always I Will See You IN The Next Update BUH-BYE

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