Part 21

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Marks POV

We just arrived at the convention center, and Jack was smiling as we were waiting for everyone to come. I really didn't know why he freaked out at the airport, I mean I understand in a way but he's never like that, but I guess he was fine now.

We were sitting out front waiting. No one was aloud in yet so me and Jack were sitting on the curb, spread apart just in case. I could tell Jack didn't like us sitting like this, most of the time I had my arm around him or we were holding hands but we wanted to keep this a secret. We didn't want anyone spoiling the surprise.

Finally everyone arrived we all greeted each other and talked for a bit. "Hey where's Krism?" Jack asked. "She couldn't make it she's sick" Minx replied as we walked in . We explained what we were going to do and everyone agreed that it was a good idea to tell everyone now. As they were hooking up mics and getting are wires tucked in our shirts and stuff like that people were filling into the room. Cry put his mask on and then we got the group together and did a quick mic check before all the lights back stage were turned off and everyone got quite. We heard music turn on and saw the stage lights go on. Bob came over to me and covered his mic and whispered "You have it right?" I smiled nervously and nodded. He patted me on the back and smiled. We all got an introduction as we walked out on stage. There was a lot of people, more than i have ever seen. Jack was probably nervous as hell. The way they had use sit was Ken Cry and Felix on one couch, me Bob and Jack on another and Minx, and Wade on the other. We had Felix explain that we were gonna read some tweets that some random person picked for us and then we were gonna get some questions from the audience. We heard a lot of cheers from the crowd and then it got quiet. "Alright! Let's get started!" Minx said excitedly. "I think the person to read first should start at the far end and just go around." Ken said. We all agreed and read the first comment. "How did you guys meet?.. Well we all met in, what? 3rd grade? Well except Jack." She laughed a bit. "Jack came around in highschool." Minx said. Jack giggled. "Yeah I was just a tag along, that was the year I moved from Ireland to America." I smiled "Yeah but you were fun to have around" Ken said. After a couple different questions it was getting a little slow and boring. So we started taking questions from the audience. "Did any of you guys get closer then friends?" One girl asked, she looked real excited and perky. "Oh god you remember when Cry and Felix were dating?" Bob said. Cry sighed "Yeah don't need to remind me" he chuckled. Felix leaned his head on his shoulder. "I wasn't that bad" Felix chuckled. Cry roles his eyes and smiled. "Aww!" The crowd cheered. "Well me and Krism have been dating since highschool, then we had Felix and Cry." Minx looked over at me and smiled. Then I looked at Bob and he nodded.

Jacks POV

I could tell Mark was nervous. His breathing has heavy he was sweating a bit and he was messing around with his hands. Then I finally I heard him take a deep breath and then he stood up and walked a little closer to the audience. "Now last year there was a guy that needed to ask his girlfriend something very important. Just making sure that this year we don't skip that. Is there anyone with a an important question? Like a very important question! No? No one? Alright." Mark then came back and sat down. He grabbed my hand "Hey Jack?" He said looking at me, the crowd went wild. I looked out over the crowd and then at Mark "Yeah?" He held my hand tightly as he got on one knee infront of me. I covered my mouth as I gasped, are friends were just as surprised as I was. we heard a couple screams in the audience but mark just smiled and started at me. "Jack... I know this isn't the best place to propose to you.. But I had to ask you. You are my inspiration, my sunshine, my clover, the love of my life. There's not one day I regret being with you. It feels like just yesterday I fell out of that tree, or the first time i kissed you on the hilltop. You waited for me, just like you promised. I knew I wanted to spend the rest of my life with you... Jack I love you. That's why.." By this time I was crying and so was Minx. I was so happy but then Mark opened the a little black heart shaped box and there it was the wedding ring. I giggled a bit when I saw it. It was small but a good size. It was a tiny septic eye Sam with a little tiny pink mustache. I laughed a bit as he put it on my finger "Jacksepticeye... Will you marry me?" I nodded my head quickly and pulled him into a hug while I was still crying. He pulled away just enough to kiss me and then he picked me up a bit and spun me around a couple times. I laughed and when he put me down I rested my forehead against his. "I love you Mark..." I said still shaking a bit. "I love you too"


Hey guys... The feels in this one huh... I want to say thank you all for reading! Yes this is the last part of the book... Will I make a sequel? I don't know yet but I am thinking about writing more of another short story I wrote which is posted and its called Pause. I was fangirling the whole time making this and I may or may not have cried a bit too. I hope this was a good ending I tried really hard to make this the best ending as possible, and I really hope I didn't disappoint anyone. If you have ideas or suggestions for a sequel don't be shy! I would love to hear your opinions and views on this I love you all so much! And hope you liked it! Bye!!

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