My First Save

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The next day should have begun like any other. Unfortunately, I had a feeling that my normal mornings were a thing of the past. Besides not getting a lot of sleep last night – and who would have? – there was something else. Sometimes I have a bit of insomnia. It happens: Happens to everyone I would imagine. You know what it's like. Your brain just sort of switches on and all sorts of thoughts and ideas keep going through your head. Not unlike an irritating jingle from a TV commercial. You just can't switch off. Well, that was part of the problem. The other problem was that it felt like my body was going into overdrive; which, I suppose, it was. I mean, it makes sense but I never really gave the idea much thought yesterday. There was too much else to be thinking about. The other thing that was kind of odd was that my arms and shoulders were a little sore. It didn't last very long – just for about an hour after waking up. But I thought it was interesting. Sort of like if you just started working out. Muscles that had been unused before had to get their complaints in.

Also, I felt...good: Like you would feel after a nice, hot shower; or for those of you who are still in shape, like you would feel after a good, brisk run or bike ride. You know you should be tired, but you feel oddly satisfied. This all might seem a bit strange to you, but if you think about it, it really isn't. My body was changing. Whatever had happened to me the night before I woke up with super-strength was apparently settling itself in for the long haul.

Since I had been up in plenty of time to get to work, even without using my alarm clock, I ate, showered and dressed in plenty of time to walk to work. So, I did. I felt like I had a lot of extra energy. Besides, a good walk can help clear the mind. At least it does for me. The questions I had been asking myself and my friends last night were still there, of course. This morning, though, they didn't seem to weigh on me as heavily. I thought of the possible meaning of all that had gone on while walking, but I was certainly a great deal calmer – more accepting of what had happened. I was actually looking forward to tonight – to testing my limits.

I arrived at the restaurant early. Tim, Jess and Peg were already there sitting in a booth. They all looked ready for the day.

"Anything interesting happening?" I asked as I sat down with them. Then, addressing the ladies, "Do we have time to talk about any dreams you two may have had?"

"Nothing," replied Jess as Peg shook her head. Both of them looked a little disappointed but also a little better rested.

"That's too bad." I turned to Tim. "How do you feel today?"

"Full of energy," he said. "I walked to work, and then decided to run. I can say it didn't take as long as it should have."

We all laughed at that.

"But something strange this morning," he continued. "My legs were a little sore when I first woke up. Not for very long and not very much. But yeah...sore. What about you?"

"Yeah," I admitted. "My arms and shoulders were a little stiff this morning. But, like you, it didn't last too long."

"So, obviously, our bodies are going to treat this like a new workout regimen - really new, in my case." That brought some chuckles from around the table. "I find that very interesting. We aren't just automatic supermen. That also means we should be a little more careful than we may have thought to before."

Peg started to get up and we all glanced at the clock. It was time to get to work.

"The girls seem a bit quiet to you?" I asked Timmy as we put our aprons on and headed for the kitchen?

"I think they each wanted to have dreams last night. It would make yesterday seem more...real, I guess. Same reason I ran to work today. Yesterday really happened. There is no getting around it."

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