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Alfie wakes up freezing lying in a ice ridden cave. Alfie heard a deep growl GRR Alfie rises and whips his head side to side he notices there was another sound but this one was different he saw where the sound was coming from it was a injured wolf he was dragging his back left leg I saw an other wolf maybe half the age of the wounded wolf. The young wolf suddenly runs towards me and tries to bite me through the bars good thing that I jumped back. The wolf says " Grandpa why is this monster in the prison cells?" The elderly wolf growls back at the wolf pup " he is here because he insulted the ice queen he is lucky that he wasn't frozen to death" Alfie hears foot steps clopping down the ice stair case I see the hem of a blue dress and a glass stiletto. She walks towards me I couldn't quite make out what they looked like. The girl opens the cell door and introduces herself her name was Lucy she turned the cell lights on I finally saw her face. She was beautiful with her pale white skin and flowing brown hair.

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