Chapter 2: Sisterlove

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Here is chapter 2. And thank you so much for reading. Sorry for the wrong writing if there is some! Xx


Cecilie's p.o.v.

I woke up at 9 am to a text from Zayn saying.

'Good morning babe, wanna go out tnight just U n me? - Zayn :) xx

I smiled and answered.

'Sure, what time? - Cecilie xox

I turned on my TV and saw Hannah Montana was on. And Zayn texted me again saying.

'Great, what about I'll pick U up at 6? And wear something casual ;) - Zayn x

'Sure, I'll be ready! :) - Cecilie xxx

I smiled to myself and thought. OMG I'm going on a date with Zayn Malik! The Zayn Malik. I jumped up from my bed an went down to eat some breakfast. I saw my sister siding at the table eating.

"Good morning" she said.

I walked by her and over to the island and began making some breakfast. "Morning" I said with a huge smile on my face.

"What's up with the smile?" I turned around and looked at her.

"Uh nothing" I said looking down on the floor waiting for the bread to heat in the oven.

"I'm sure that's something is up! What is it?" She said.

"Uh I may have a date with Zayn" I said shyly.

She laughed at me and said. "Yeah and I have a date with Justin Timberlake! I'm not that stupid"

I looked up at her madly. "I do have a date with him. I told you yesterday that I got his number and he was so sweet to me, so he asked me this morning and I said yes!" I yelled. I showed her the text and she just laughed and told me that I just changed Nanna's name on my phone to Zayn and made it all up. But she doesn't know a thing.

"I hate you so much, I wished mom and dad was here. They would believed me!" I yelled at her and ran upstairs to my room and began to cry.

Why does she hate me so much? She was the favourite child when my mom and dad where here, and. I was always the one taking the dishes and clean every room of the house. So I don't see why she hate me so much.

I heard her yell "maybe it's because you were the favourite child and you are a slut and you're so fat. I get why you don't have a boyfriend, because you're a useless whore and a bitch!"

I got out and yelled at her down the stairs. "You know that YOU were the favourite child, and YOU are the slut here, you always come home with a different boy everyday! So I guess you are the slut and whore here!" I slammed my door and walked over to my bed and cried for hours.

After about 5 hours of crying I got a text from Zayn saying he were on his way and is here in 15 minutes. I had gave him my address early when we texted.

I don't think I can go on this date tonight, I look like a mess. After the 15 minutes were gone I heard a knock on the front door. I got off my bed and opened my door. I walked down and saw my sister opening the door. She looked shocked.

Oh hell yeah I got you there. I was not faking you bitch! I thought.

I heard Zayn asking for me, and I walked down the stairs and over to the door. I shoved Josefiine off and I looked at Zayn and smiled.

"Hey Cecilie, are you ok? I looks like you've been crying." He said.

"Yeah it's just I don't think I can go on this date I had a huge fight with my sister,'s just I.... I don't know if I'm going to survive with her for the rest of my life, I hate her so much." I said and felt the tears running down my cheeks again.

"Aww come here" he pulled me in for a hug and I hugged him back.

After like 30 seconds I pulled away and asked him. "Would you like to come inside?" I looked down and blushed.

"Sure" I grabbed his hand and took him up to my room. He was wearing a tuxedo and he looked kind of uncomfortable.

"Uh Cecilie do you have some thing I could wear like some more comfortable pants?" I giggled at his shyness.

"Sure I'll just go an grab some" I walked over to my dresser ad found my dads old jugging pants. I gave them to Zayn and told him were the bathroom was.

He came back shirtless and with my dads pants. He looked so hot. I stared at him and blushed.

"Like what your seeing?" He chuckled.

I looked away and blushed even more. He came over to my bed and sat beside me.

"Hey don't hide, you're beautiful when you're blushing" he grabbed my chin and made me look at him.

"I wished my sister could just say that to me" I looked down and I could feel a tear fall down my cheek.

"You are the most beautiful girl on the world. I don't know your sister, but if she says that to you, just don't listen to her and listen to what I am telling you, cause you are beautiful, ok?" He said.

I looked up at him and he leaned foreword. I could feel his breath on my lips. And then he just kissed me. It was so sweet and soft. The best kiss ever and the first I have ever had.

He stopped and pulled back.

"Cecilie?" He intertwined our hands and looked me in the eyes.

"Yes?" I looked in his eyes and smiled.

"Would you like to be my girlfriend?"

I smiled and said "yes Zayn I will be your girlfriend" he took his free hand and placed it on my waist and pulled me in for my second kiss. I smiled in the kiss and so did he. In so happy right now I have a boyfriend.

"Should we watch a movie?" I asked after we pulled back.

"Sure I'll see anything with you." He said and kissed my cheek.

I smiled at him and walked over to my TV I took out abduction and put it in the DVD player.

"So what did you pick?" Zayn asked when I sat down on my bed beside him. He placed his hand on my waist and took his free hand and intertwined our hands.

"Uh..Abduction?" It came more out as a question. He chuckled.

"I guess you like Taylor Lautner?" He looked at me and I blushed.

"What? He's hot!" I explained. He made a shocked face.

"Miss are you saying that Taylor Lautner is hotter than me? Tsk tsk tsk" he said and shook his head.

"No I did not say that, my boyfriend is hot but just not the hottest!" He looked at me and began tickle me. And if you didn't know I'm almost the most ticklish person on this world.

"Zayn s-st-stop please!" I said while laughing.

"Not until you say I'm the hottest on this planet!" He said Still tickeling me.

"Ok! I'm the hottest on this planet" I said he looked at me and shook his head.

"I meant you should say Me as in Zayn, So say that Zayn is the hottest on this planet."

Ok ok Zayn is the hottest on this planet" I said. He stopped tickeling me and pecked my lips.

"Thank you" he said and laud down on my bed watching the film.

I laid down my head on his chest and his arm around me. And after 10 minutes I fell asleep.

Maybe I'm too young? (A Zayn Malik Fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now