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"Are you sure this is a good idea?" I asked, poking my head into Olivia's room.

"Yes! Double dates are fun and you need fun!" She assured me while putting on her eating.

Olivia's outfit was a palm tree crop top, black skater skirt, and her black vans. She loved dressing up for dates even if it was just getting pizza or something, rather than me where I like to be comfortable and casual, but well dressed at the same time.

There was a knock on my room and she came scrambling out while putting her shoes on.

I opened the door and there stood Nash and Cameron, dressed exactly how they were this morning; jeans and a sweatshirt.

"Shall we?" Cameron asked, extending his hand for me to take it. We started holding bands as we walked downstairs.

"What're we doing first?" I asked Cameron as we left the hotel.

"I have tickets for a movie, there's an ice cream stand on that corner, and to top it off there is a drum circle in the park." He explained.

"Sounds great!" It sounded perfect, the movie was a great place to hold hands, ice cream was perfect to talk, and the drum circle was perfect to dance; it's the best date I could think of!

We walked to the movie theatre hand in hand while Olivia and Nash told each other stupid puns and jokes.

In the movie they sat behind us and when it started all we could hear was the sound of them giggling.

I rolled my eyes at them as Cameron put his arm around me. I snuggled up to him and we watched the movie.


When the lights turned back on, we turned around to see Nah and Olivia kissing.

"Get a room!" Cameron and I threw popcorn at them. I found it funny to call out people for public affection.

We decided to split up and meet back at the hotel later so Nash and Olivia could do what they wanted and we could do what we wanted.

"I heard the ice cream is amazing." Cameron said." Best in all of Siesta Key."

We ordered and I paid since Cameron paid for the movie tickets.

Within one taste, I could tell him he was right; it was the best.

"Oh my god!" I exclaimed." I know!" He agreed.

We sat on a bench and finish our ice cream while listening to the drum circle. The music had a good beat and caused me to dance a little to it.

"You like this music?" He asked and I nodded. He took my hand and brought me closer.

We listened for a little bit before making our way back since the hotel was a little far away and it was getting dark.

"I had a great time." I told him as he walked me to my room.

"I did too. Can I ask you something?" I nodded." Do you want to be my girlfriend?" I nodded and gave him a peck on the lips.

"Goodnight." He told me, giving me a hug. I told him the same and I went into my room.

During the movie all we did was make out and not that there was anything wrong with that, I just felt it would make the other two uncomfortable.

At the end they saw us and threw popcorn at us but all we did was laugh.

"What do you want to do next?" I asked Nash. We all decided to split up and meet back at the hotel later so we could each do what we wanted.

"How about a walk on the beach? The pier isn't too far from here." He asked. I nodded and we got a cab.

We carried our shoes in our hands and walked along the shore. During the walk, Nash started rambling on about how we all went to the beach earlier when we got to Florida. The down part was tomorrow we're flying to Washington DC for the next stop in the tour so no beaches.

"I loved how we buried Taylor and gave him boobs." I told him.

"That was great! I don't think Bart was found of that picture though." He chuckled." Maybe we should've gave him one of the girls bikini tops!" I laughed with him.

"I don't think Bart would've been found of that picture either." I joked.

"Olivia, tell me. Do you see us going anywhere with this?" Fuck.

"I think so. We click really well and it seems like we can really make each other happy." I shrugged." I mean, it's an equal partnership so I can't decide by myself."

"I see it too. I like you a lot and I really want to be with you." He told me, grasping both my hands. We walked back but we didn't talk, we just walked. In the cab, the driver shut the window, giving us somewhat privacy.

Nash cupped my cheek and kissed me. I looked into his icy blue eyes before kissing back.




"I'm really glad we're doing this." Nash told me as we approached my room." Me too."

He kissed me goodbye but instead of saying goodbye, we just kept kissing. When we finally released, we parted ways and when I got inside my room I screamed and had a spaz attack from how happy I was.

"How'd it go?" Lexi asked, coming in through the connecter.

"We're dating and we kissed...many times." I told her.

"I know,. I saw you guys making out in the movie theatre." She chuckled." I knew you two would hit it off."

"What you and Cameron?" I asked her I had a feeling it went well for them." Same as you, just not as much kissing because we keep it PG." She snickered.

"Great! All we have to do now is set Kylie up with one of them and well all be little love birds." I squealed while clapping." Who should it be?"

"Sammy." We both said together.

"Then it's settled, within the next 3 months we have t get them together."

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