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I walked into Cameron's room, where everyone was, including Emily, Kylie and Olivia who were sitting on their boyfriend's laps, and when I walked in they all turned their backs to me.

"They're still mad at you?" Cameron whispered as I sat next to him.

"Yes," I whispered back." Emily didn't speak to me at all last night, none if them did, and when I woke up this morning I found she slept with carter; they won't even look at me." I explained. It broke my heart knowing my best friends now consider me a bitch.

I glanced at Kylie, sitting on Nash's lap, whispering something into his ear." Lexi, please shut up and don't talk about my girlfriend behind her back when she's five feet away from you." He snapped.

"Nash!" Cameron yelled." Cameron." He mimicked.

"Fine. Hate me, call me a bitch. See if I care when you get yourself pregnant and see that I was right! It's not on my ass!" I yelled before leaving.

I hated myself for saying all those things but it's true. I just want what was best for them and will help them be successful and not get hurt.

"Lexi," Cameron ran after me. He grabbed my wrist and stopped me from leaving." You need to fix this. You can't run away from your problems."

"Watch me."

"Listen! They are your best friends and no matter how much you fight they will always love you and so will you! Fix it now before it gets worse!" He yelled, dragging me back to the room.

"I understand that you 4 are in hot water but you guys are best friends. It's time to build a bridge and get over it." Cameron said." You guys can't lose each other, because god knows how miserable that'll make you and then make us."

"And no more fighting, that makes us miserable too." Taylor added. Cameron hit him and he put his arms up in surrender.

"Emily-" she cut me off." Let me speak, please."

"You were right. I can't have a baby, I'm only 18. I guess I didn't want to admit I wasn't ready for big responsibilities so I blamed it on you for slats mothering me. Truth is, I like you as a mother; you're strict and fun at the same time." She said.

"And it was true that you you kinda pulled us into this tour but we're happy you did! We got to meet some great people and have a lot of fun." Olivia jumped in.

"Although you do it out of love, we could use without all the rules, but we can't live without you." Kylie said. We all hugged and everyone awed.

"I'm sorry too, I'll try to do better." I hugged them back.

"While you're all here, we kinda have an announcement." Emily said to everyone.

"We talked to Bart and as of tomorrow, Emily, Olivia, and I will be leaving the tour." Kylie said. Everyone gasped, including me.

"What? Why?" Mahogany asked.

"We think it's best to do other things for a while, that's another reason why we didn't want to move into the Magcon house. We want to start our careers and our life, and we just think it'll be best for us." Olivia explained.

"As for our beloved boyfriends, we are willing to do long distance if you are." Emily said." And if you are, Lexi will still be around to watch you." She joked.

We got hugged them." What time does you flight leave tomorrow?" I asked, still being squished in the group hug.

"10am." She said. We all released and helped them pack.


"I'm going to miss you so much I hugged them each." I don't know who else I'm going to hang out with now." Mahogany and Cameron coughed. I gave them both glared and turned my attention back to the other girls.

"FaceTime us. We want to hear all about the rest of this tour." Olivia said.

I nodded and everyone ride started moving in for hugs.

"I'm sorry it had to end this way guys." Emily said before she got ready to board.

Carter pulled her over and they started talking. Sammy and Nash did the same thing.

The 3 couples started making out abd everyone else started silent gagging.

"When the tour ends you are the first thing I'm going to do." Carter says before kissing me.

"I'm looking forward to it."

"Call me everyday." I told Sammy.

"Why wouldn't I? I want to hear your beautiful voice and see your face, no matter what." He said and kissed me.

"Are you sure you'll visit?" Nash asked.a

"All the damn time, I promise. Text me when you're free because I need you alone at some point." I winked and kissed him.

"I'm going to miss this." He sighed." I love you so much."

"I love you too." I hugged him.

Emily, Kylie, and I hugged everyone one last time, grabbed our stuff, and boarded our plane.

Out my window, I could see them all waving bye to us as the plane took off. We waved back and the slim chance if them seeing it was all that meant to me right now.

I started to cry a little as the plane took off. They were my best friends and I could imagine them not being here with me anymore.

"Awe, poor baby." Cameron hugged me and I cried in his shirt.

"You want to be alone?" Mahogany asked.

I shook my head no." Can we go back to the hotel?" They knew it would be hard for me but they're willing to make it the best.


I sat on the roof and watched the New Jersey sun set.

"Hey," I turned to see Cameron." How'd you know I was up here?" I asked him.

" I know you like to come up here when you're upset." He saud, sitting next to me.

"Will you be okay?" He asked, putting his arm around me.

"Yeah. I'm just going to miss them, but I will see them again."

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