First love

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Chapter 1 - first day of school

It was the last day of summer. Other than the trip to Manila earlier this summer, my summer's pretty boring. Just watching anime all day and eating sweets. The next day I'll be a high school student for the first time! This is when my story starts, on the first day of school.

On the way to my room at my new school I notice that I don't know any of these people. I was on my way to my classroom on the 3rd floor, that's when I saw a living doll in front of me. She was so pretty. she had white skin, pink lips and big eyes. I was actually optimistic about my first day, thought that everyone would be nice and friendly.

I was wrong. As I sat down in the second row, nobody even approached me. No one said hi or sat next to me. Then I realized, everyone in class 1- B is beautiful. I notice they're all rich from seeing their flashy phones and clearly expensive clothes, since I've seen them in magazines. They're probably ignoring me cause I'm not as pretty as them.

Then that dolly girl came in with three snotty bitches beside her. I say they're snotty cause of the way they dress. We're supposed to wear casual attire until June. Anyway, as she walked in with those girls everyone rushed to her, like she was a celebrity in the mall. I assumed she was the queen of this class and that they're asking how her summer went. A lot of people actually know her even though we're all new students, they're probably old friends and fans I guess.

The first class starts at 7:30 and it's history. Ugh my most dreaded subject is the first one in the morning. As we all sat down the teacher rearranged our seating plan. Turns out she's also the class adviser. So she seats me next to the doll girl. As the teacher called out our names I find out that her name is Caitlyn. Oh, btw, my name is Alex.

The teacher goes on with the discussion and I notice Caitlyn is getting bored. She isn't seated near her friends. So i try to talk to her, I don't know if she's the mean-pretty kind or the pretty-nice kind of girl. But as we were talking she's actually pretty nice. Thank God that she's not the bitchy type.

Lunch time! I sit alone, then Caitlyn suddenly sits next to me with her friends. After lunch I head back to the room, the adviser told me to get the papers for an upcoming event. I was reading the flyer when someone bumped into me and I dropped my flyers. He helps me put them back in order. Then it struck me, he's really cute.

It's cliché that this happens. A rather common way for a crush to develop. But then as I place the flyers up, I thought that i probably shouldn't have a crush on him, he's probably one of those kind of boys who'd just play with a girl's feelings.

In class, Caitlyn, her friends, and I are chatting before the teacher comes in, angry. I don't know why she's angry but she gave us an assignment after her useless discussion. Later during dismissal, dad isn't coming until 6 cause of work. Class is over by 4 so I have 2 hours to explore a bit.

So I first went to their main building to see if they had a music room. Since it's a big school I expect everything to be really nice, and there's a new building that was just constructed last year. As I walk in the music room, it's as I expected. There aren't any missing instruments at all. Piano, keyboard, drums, they had everything! So since I already know how to play the piano, I tried it out. It's perfectly tuned.

I was playing a piece I saw in the compartment in the chair. The name was dance of the flowers. I'm playing and I remember how my family used to be. How every weekend we'd play anything. Bro played the drums, me on the keyboard, dad as the bass, and mom. Mom had the most amazing God-given voice of all. I kinda felt sad. How, something so precious could never happen again.

As I'm playing, I notice that these are new instruments. They're well-polished and there aren't any old instruments. This school must be really into music. I finished playing the piece, so I tried to play Adele. Then I hear a knock.

The door opened and I stop playing to see who it is. It's the cute boy I bumped into earlier. This is a huge coincidence. I stand and ask if I wasn't allowed to play after school. He said it's fine, he plays the violin, so he said he came here to practice. What surprised me was when he asked me to help him practice. Of course I agreed, I had time to kill and this is my opportunity to make a new friend, I would also consider Caitlyn as a friend, but not her friends though.

So I played the chords and he played his violin, which was amazing. I've never seen someone play a real violin before, since it can't really play any covers, but he proved me wrong. The chords are familiar to Adele's and he plays the tune of her voice. I'm guessing he asked me to play because I was playing Adele before he came i and heard me.

We decide to take a break. This is the time when we first talk to each other, his name's Andy. We chat and I find out why he's practicing. Because of the upcoming event, the one I was posting flyers about, he said he was entertainment for break time. And he'd like me to assist him. Ohh wow. It's the first day and I'm already getting responsibility. Of course I agreed, who wouldn't want to play with such a cute boy? We practice again and it's almost 6. We say goodbye and we'll meet again tomorrow, same place. Wonder how this will turn out.

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