Chapter 3

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Thisis getting really weird. What's going on? Nobody at school seems to know me, was this a dream? No. It couldn't be. How could I know the name of someone I've never met before. It's like I missed the first day of school but didn't. So what happened when Caitlyn was nice to me. I just couldn't wrap my head around it if it was a dream. I think more about it on the way home.

After dinner I went straight to my room. I studied a little then read my manga. In this manga, it's about a girl who can travel to different worlds and in each world the same people have different personalities. Could this be what's happening to me? Could I also be traveling to different dimensions where the people have the same name and lifestyle, but different attitudes. If this is it, how is it possible?

My cat, fluffy, was walking around my room and spilled some juice on the floor. I had to clean it up. So I went down stairs to get a mop. We just moved here so there's not much stuff. Going down stairs, I hear a knock on the front door. Curiosity overcomes me and I see who it is. A boy, tall, not so cute wearing glasses and has long straight hair, was outside my house. Now I didn't go out because I could see him from the side window.

I open the door and ask why he's here. He says he's here to welcome me and my dad. Nobody's ever done this for us before. So I let him in, seeming like a trustful person, I seat him in the living room. We talk so I ask his name, Calvin. I'm reluctant to tell him of my story, about my first day of school. He seems like a nice guy, but I would never date him. I'd probably put him in the friend-zone.

My dad walks in and he introduces himself, Calvin Ray Ang. My father doesn't trust boys in the house because he's over-protective, being the only child and since my mom died, he's been even more restrictive. But he lets me go out with friends sometimes. Dad sits down with us and it's like Calvin is being Interrogated like a suspect. I find out more about him and his distant family. He lives across the street and noticed us move in. He has an elder sister and two younger brothers. Both his parents are working abroad, his mother in Singapore as a business woman, and his father in Hong Kong as a clerk. He is left in his home with his elder sister, who works all day and goeas to clubs every week. Both his brothers are with their grand parents. He didn't want to talk about his own past. Which was strange. Most people would brag about themselves in every way possible, in my opinion at least, but it seems like he's either humble or secretive.

It's getting really dark now, so dad dismissed him and Calvin went home. I go back up my room and forget that I had to take the mop. As I lay on my bed ready to sleep, the thought of this phenomenon keeps me up all night and I hardly get any sleep. The next day, same as usual, Caitlyn doesn't know me, neither does Andy, but Sam does.

I head over to the music room and hear the sound of the piano. This is the first time I've ever heard someone from this school play it. I go in, by the way, it's dismissal. So I go in and have a peek. To my great surprise it was Calvin. Since we already know each other, I of course approach him and he seems very surprised. Why are people always surprised when I'm around?!! We play a bit more and decide that he could go home with us, since he comes to school via jeepney. It's like a normal day after all.

A week later, I find that Caitlyn is talking to me again. She also sits beside me for lunch, and Andy asked me if we would still practice after school. This is freaking me out. What is going on with people. I don't tell them what happened to my first day, so I ask them what day it is today, they say it's the second day of school. What the heck.

So I go home again after practicing with Andy and dad pick me up. So I look for Calvin. He is nowhere to be found. As soon as I get home I go to see Calvin. I knock on the door of the house right in front of us and no one was there. It's like he doesn't exist. Later, I'm in my room again, I actually write down the happenings to the detail in a notebook. No one is allowed to read this notebook because it holds my thoughts and feelings. I go to sleep again.

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