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I walked around the unfamiliar forest as I try to avoid hurting my bare foot.

"Where am I...?" I muttered. It was night, the stars were twinkling and the full moon is shining brightly. I smiled a bit, admiring the sky's beauty at night. In the city, it's a bit hard to see this kind of beauty. No. It's hard.

Maybe this is the power of nature.

I hissed back a pain as I tripped on a root, fortunately I didn't fall. But my toes felt pain. Only for a few moments, then it's gone. I continued my journey to nowhere in particular. Well, the thing is, I'm not afraid on walking aimlessly at this place. In this forest. Because, well, somehow, I feel safe. Like nothing is gonna hurt me. Like nothing can hurt me.

As if someone is protecting me.

Touching the trees as I walked, suddenly I felt a rush of life going through my veins. I took a look at my surroundings. The trees were beautiful and tall, glistening under the moonlight. The mold growing on the forest floor and roots were softening my bare feet's steps. Smalls flowers all over the area were making this place more like a fantasy rather than just a forest.

The bright moonlight made the forest more alive. Slight breeze brushed on my skin, making me shiver a bit. But I liked the breeze. It's as if it's trying to bring me somewhere, so I followed the direction it was going.

Not long after, I arrived at a waterfall, in which the breeze also stopped. The waterfall looked so... magical. So magical that I thought it wasn't real.

Not until I touch the water.

"This is beautiful..." I muttered for the second time. I sat down on a rock, dipping both feet into the small lake until it reached half of my calves. The water had a healing feeling to me, so I relaxed my tensed body.

The water was so clear, I could see sea creatures moving beneath it. I couldn't say if they were rare species or something, but for what I know, they looked magical and beautiful. I smiled, waving my hand at some of the unknown creatures as they twirled around my legs. Their eyes looked at me and their tailes wiggled, as if to reply my wave.

"They are called royal sea creatures. They would only go to royals." I heard a voice behind me said. I quickly stood up, balancing myself on the rock easily. Turning around, I was met with a boy, maybe a bit older than me. He was walking nearer to me, his horse following closely. Then, he stopped when he was 10 steps away from the rock I was standing on right now. He looked gorgeous, I had to admit. His smile was melting my heart, it was angelic. His broad shoulders fit the clothing he was wearing. It wasn't very fancy, but not casual either. He was wearing a white tank top which was covered with a dark blue leather jacket, black leather pants and black leather boots that reached just above his ankle. His hair was a mixture of brown and black, and it was swept up to the side, showing off his wide and handsome forehead.

He looked damn gorgeous.

Suddenly, he giggled. "I was rushing to go out just now, so my clothes aren't very appropriate for riding." I just stayed silent at his statement, not knowing how to respond to that. He chuckled seeing my blank reaction and walked towards me. As he stood in front if me, he took out his hand.

Well, I took it. And he slowly pulled me down, maybe not wanting me to fall because the rock is kinda slippery because of my wet feet.

"My name is Kim Joonmyeon, the second prince of The Kims. But you can just call me Suho, for short." He said, introducing himself shortly. Still holding my hand, he brought me towards his horse. "What's your name?"

I looked down towards my moving feet. "My name is Jung Jaerim, but my friends likes to call me Scarlett..." I answered.

He smiled. "What a beautiful name... for a beautiful girl like you." He said, earning a blushing me. As we arrived at his horse, he helped me get on it. "This is Natria. He's one of the oldest royal horses." Prince Suho said. It was a beautiful silver horse, and a very tamed one. Prince Suho patted his head and the said animal leaned into his touch.

The both of us strolled through the forest again, leaving the magestic waterfall behind. "So," I started. "About the sea creatures... What do you mean when you said they would only go to royals?"

Prince Suho was walking alongside his horse. "What I meant was royal animals will only obey to royals. They will not listen or go to non-royals." He explained. I was still confused though. "I still don't understand..."

"That means, you're a royal. If not, how are you riding this horse?" He asked in a-matter-of-fact tone.

And then I realized what he meant.

"WHAT?!" I practically screamed, losing my balance on the horse and fell head first.

I jolted up on my bed from the sound of my alarm. Looking at the alarm clock, it showed 6:30 am. Which means I have an hour and half to get ready for school.

What a weird dream, I thought.

Rubbing my face, I headed towards the bathroom in my decent room, bringing along my school uniform. It consists of grey knee-length skirt, white collared blouse the reached just below my butt and was covered with a grey blazer that looks like Jeguk High School's blazer, only the knitted pattern was red in colour, along some lines on the pockets of the blazer. My school uniform was completed with a red tie and our school badge, Seoul Arts High School.

After refreshing myself, I took a light breakfast that was prepared by my dad. Then, I headed straight to school since my father will send my little sister to her elemantary that's just 5 minutes from his workplace.

Mom? She left us after my little sister, Jung Jaera or as called Violet, was born. I was just 9 years old at that time, and now I'm turning 18. I lived half of my life without mom, and we're still living fine.

By turning 18, I mean today. March 2nd.

My walk to school wasn't long. It was just 20 minutes by foot. By the time I arrive, there was still 30 minutes before the first bell rings. After gathering all books that's needed for today, I went straight to my class and rested my head on my desk.

My mind wandered to my dream last night. It felt so... real.

During class, I didn't pay much attention to the teacher. My hand was sketching on my notebook using my pencil, and a figure was done. When I was finished, I realized that it was the boy from my dream.

Kim Joonmyeon.

Author's note;
First chapter finally done!!! Next chapter will be up soon (once I get all the ideas in place)

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